We're slowly getting replaced D:

  • 13
    When AI can build AI, everyone is going to be out of a job everywhere.
  • 6
    Oh, I simply hope it doesn't go that far. If it does, there will be no need for humans any longer.
  • 2
    @Michelle currently the human race is about automation, so
    Automating AI creation is plausible 😨
  • 6
    Eventually we are going to be like dogs to AI. Hopefully they will be nice owners
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    I hope you aren't actually going to accept that.
  • 3
    @Michelle As long as i can do what I want and have the money to do it I don't care if an AI sees me as a pet to take care of. But there is one thing that does concern me. If it gets to that point when somebody does fight back against AI it would be treated like a dog bite and the person fighting back would get killed off by the AIs.

    So I'm kinda torn on this idea. Having an AI making money for you would free up time but from there we would be classified as pets or cattle if AI took up every kind of job
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    Sheldon likes this
  • 4
    That's true, but the problem with automation is how will we get paid? Employers, won't simply pay humans for no reason at all. If they aren't the ones working, they won't get paid.
  • 3
    We are humans not pets.

    If a robot wants to kill me for not becoming a pet, then they can kill me. I won't myself dehumanize for them.
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    @Michelle a dog was a wolf until we screwed them up into domesticated feet warmers.
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    @Condor well one thing why hand out money when everything could be free? If the state gives you money it pretty much just cycles back in forth since for the state to have money it would need to own the AIs where greed won't kick in
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    @Condor well my arguement here is that with money just cycling back and forth everythings price would be cause of artifical inflation since no labor would need to be paid which means nothing would cost anything. Which means buying things you don't need has no consequence. Well besides taking up space
  • 2
    @Condor The idea of UBI sounds good. But I really doubt it will work. Think about it, if all jobs are handed off to AI, theoretically that free's us to do whatever we want - go on a trip, learn a new language, just be lost in your thoughts... But, the whole basis of these activities is dependent on self motivation. That is just not feasible. The human population is so vast, you cannot expect everyone to be self motivated enough to take this "free" time and do something productive without some external factors forcing (motivating) them to. Again, I like the idea of UBI, but it feel it will nothing more than an idea.
  • 2
    @C0D4 “when AI can build AI” it already has - https://google.com/amp/s/...
  • 4
    This rant, and its comments, were really interesting.
    I'm glad we can have this kind of conversation here, on devRant.

    While I think AI shouldn't be completely forgotten, I also think they shouldn't replace us humans completely.
    Simply because people would, in my idea, go crazy.
    No jobs = more time and more freedom, but that also means less overall organization, and less thinking.
    To top it off, money would have no value at all, since it pretty much is a reward for working.
    I think that, for our own sakes, for survival, even, we shouldn't relax too much.
    Think about it, in a world dictated by AIs, everything in this world would change drastically, for good AND for bad.
    In my opinion, more for bad.
    Please don't allow this to happen.

    Robots/AI can help us, but we humans should always have the upper hand.
    It's sad to say, but maybe...
    dumber AI is better than smarter AI, in this regard.
    What do you think?
  • 1
    General artificial intelligence is coming. Right now the smartest minds on the planet aren't even working on it.
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    @Condor Not being self motivated doesn't mean being dumb or lazy. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Which I think is a cause of education and society itself. Through my childhood, teenage to job I simply learned that I need external motivation for everything together with some benchmark. I never learned to benchmark myself, trust myself. I never learned to work on something/develop skills on topics that I like but only topics that get me good grades or money. Good grades = acceptance, but Good grades/money != joy|quality|creativity.

    With UBI I think UBI should provide you with enough to make a decent life but if you want more you should still get a reward in terms of more money by some employer simply to keep the benefits of capitalism while tackling current inequality/modern slavery problems.
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