
Sick of people claiming that being a developer is an easy job.

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    Let me guess... PHP?
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    now a new trend: MERN stack is saturated. Web dev is saturated. Fucking everything is saturated.
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    it is as long as management isn't toxic
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    Being developer is an easy job as long as you don’t have to write code.

    Do just meetings and code reviews, call yourself principal / staff / engineering manager / architect / senior cloud devops machine learning shit fucker - you name it.

    Always say everything is simple and tell everyone how great developer you are.

    Do nothing and whenever someone adds a feature do code review and approve their code - then tell everyone you worked on it together, talk with people about their ideas then steal them and present as yours.

    Say out loud how you would do it and how it would take less time but you need people to learn and improve their skills to get close to your level - because they will never be so perfect like you.

    Remember every failure is not your fault and every success is yours.

    Don’t be afraid to walk trough the mirror and become another jerk.
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    @vane that sounds like a lot of work no thanks
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    @jestdotty I'd say not morally acceptable. Never fully understood how it works that someone can be an asshole to some people and kind to others.

    How it works - this connection thingy that you like one people and hate others.

    More interesting than whole technology business to be honest.
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    @Neilcarr4 How does such a idiot get hold of $420k in the first place? Inheritance? Prostitution? Cobol?
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    being a developer is easy.

    being a GOOD developer is hard.
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