
15 lbs down today. Getting back to fighting weight.

I'm at that part of the diet where I'm just starting to see real results in my body, but also have a massive urge to give up.

Just need a little kick in the bum to keep going.

  • 2
    Good old libres
  • 3
    * does an ultra ninja kick in bum *
  • 1
    I also need that kick to get started. Fancy a race? :)
  • 1
    > "Just need a little kick in the bum to keep going."

    Well done sir. Maybe I could post a picture of myself without a shirt captioned "If you don't get off your bum, you'll look like this!"

    <after seeing photo, lungdart throws up, runs right thru the front door, runs past David Goggins who says "OMG..look at that mother <bleeper> go!">
  • 3
    @electrineer Canadas a little messed up with it's units.

    Lbs for human weight, g, kg and metric tonnes for everything else

    F for cooking temps, Celsius for everything else

    Feet and inches for height and construction, meters and km for everything else.
  • 1
    My graph looks like that only all the writing's upside down.
  • 0
    I would short that stock. Mine has been on dovish for a year now... Congrats!!
  • 2
    wanna see an instant huge drop in your weight numbers?

    adopt metric ;)
  • 0
    @jestdotty brown rice, chicken, broccoli. 4x a day. 2 eggs for breakfast. And drink only water and black coffee. 1 cheat meal a week, but keep it healthy.
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