
alright, so I'm seeding the DB with a 4GB SQL dump through a k8s port-forward across the world (behind the pond), port-forwarded through socat (a bastian container).

What are the chances I'll succeed? :D

  • 0
    Scaling won't kill it no?
  • 1
    Why don't you spin up a quick alpine container to scp the dump to, then once it's local and vetted you can safely seed from there?
  • 1
    @lungdart I didn't see much of a difference in the two approaches. Unless I used a PV to store it there, if a container goes tits up the dump is gone anyways. And if there's a nw blip, I have to restart anyway. The only benefit I see is that I could suspend my lappy if I was importing from a pod...
  • 1
    @netikras use a PV ffs
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