
doing things right seems to be a waste of time

especially considering how fast things change beneath you

for years I've said I should just stop overoptimizing but I've yet to fucking try it. I said this to myself 5 hours ago and what am I doing. I spent the last 5 hours trying to overoptimize for a theoretical scenario that I won't ever even be in, because I haven't even decided what I want to immediately do

how about immediately do something Jesus fuck
next Tuesday this system will have to be rewritten again anyway

how many fucking asset loading systems do I want under my belt
just load the fucking assets

maybe decide on which assets you'll be using first so then you don't overoptimize for "WELL MAYBE ILL LOAD THEM INDIVIDUALLY THEN PUT THEM IN A NICE IMAGE IN RAM FIRST BEFORE I SEND IT OFF TO THE GPU" omg just shut up. just because you can doesn't mean you should. doesn't help everyone using this thing keeps insisting you do it this way. but you don't fucking need to.

actually you know what, I blame them. they kept confusing me with yOu ShOulD do It ThiS WAY. next thing I know I'm walking through every possible conceivable way to do asset loading so I can decide how to load assets and then end up in architecturizing of the perfect system. I didn't want to be on this path. but they told me to be on this path. I blame them

take-away: if you can make it work at all, just use that unless it breaks something. fuck how or for "what" the dumb system is designed. people don't stick to their "designs" anyway -- it's idealism just like free stuff sounds great in theory, but in reality it just shits up everything because it's unrealistic

  • 2
    The person at the next desk has been shouting into the phone for the past 30 minutes, so everything seems like a waste of time.
  • 0
    As you mentioned "Jesus", we might conclude that working is a waste of time, and people should stop worrying about tomorrow and live like birds and wild flowers.
  • 0
    @ingosteinke Being a pigeon sounds like a right pain in the arse.
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