
I was graced by my boss to attend a training for key users of a CRM system we resell, as a technical advisor.

The training is scheduled from 0915 - 1700
Can somebody come and kill me please?

  • 2
    Free sandwiches! But you can network a bit. I moved to customer twice
  • 4
    If it really needs a whole day's training to use it, they need to do something about that.
  • 4
    @donkulator I'm probably going to, at some point, put sunglasses on and sleep.
  • 2
    @donkulator they're probably not training you but brainwashing you and using you for more "vertical slice opportunities" or whatever the drones call them these days

    maybe they'll give you a nice MLM dinner at an overpriced restaurant!

    see I wouldn't mind this exploitation if they at least gave you food and alcohol, but in my experience they say "food" and it's like 6 oysters for a group of 30 people

    I don't trust these things anymore. miserable. if I need to know how to use something I'll find an Indian on YouTube and save myself the hassle
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