Skills: JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, C++, Go, Perl

Meaning: I wrote"Hello world" in each of these.

  • 14
    It more like: I've heard these are good and should learn them.
  • 14
    I've written hello world in Brainfuck, without copying and pasting.
    Employers, will you hire me?
  • 5
    Step 1: completed
    Step 2: go to linkedin and update your profile
  • 1
    You missed c#?! :p
  • 4
    Oh and also bash because it's the same as in php if you use echo
  • 3
    I've written a brainfuck interpreter (compiled with C2BF) in a brainfuck interpreter in a CHIP8 interpreter in a LEL interpreter in my own CPU architecture interpreter in Python(interpreter).

    that's an interpreter in an interpreter in an interpreter in an interpreter in an interpreter in an interpreter.

    Employer, will you hire me?
  • 1
    @coolq You beat me
  • 1
    Don't give up so easily!
  • 2
    CSS experience: you can fix shit by only using z-index
  • 2

    I had no idea you devs would love this rant so much!

    I just had this observation recently watching people listing all these langs on their profile.
  • 0
    @Bl00D4NGEL there was a compilation error :P
  • 0
    If I will be honest, then my skills sets will be just HTML/CSS.
  • 0
    But what if we have written actual code in all (that's not that many) those languages, and more besides, that appears in real shipping product?

    What then?
  • 0
    @JustinLloyd I personally don't add languages to my skills, unless I'm able to write efficient and idiomatic code in them

    Just because your code ships doesn't mean that it's any good
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