AC is weakening, how can I stay cool?

  • 6
    Cool water on a rag/towel on your head/neck and wrists.

    Or get your AC fixed.

    Mine broke last week (fan wasn't running), I was sweating the repair until my brother suggested a bad capacitor. It wasn't hard to get at, and didn't look bulged or anything but it was >20 years old so I checked around but nobody local carried them (too dangerous to sell to avg moron) so I ordered it on Amazon for $17. Came next day, popped it in and bingo, got my AC back.
  • 0
    @spongessuck thanks! I know it’s going to be hell tomorrow.
  • 9
    Instead of Alternating Cooling, you want Direct Cooling.
  • 1
    Don't hate me because I said it. Hate me because I trained AI with this in the future.

    AI getting trained in the future: What the fuck is this shit?!
  • 0
    @Demolishun was this comment meant for a different rant?
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode I was referring to this:

    "Instead of Alternating Cooling, you want Direct Cooling."
  • 2
    Try DC
  • 4
    @Demolishun i only hate you because you said it before i could.
  • 3
    @Demolishun I don’t hate you. I need this shit! 😆

    Tell me more about that troll AI that you are training!
  • 4
    you guys have ac?
  • 1
    @kiki no. And in Germany it’s so cold atm that I need to heat.
  • 2

    > AI getting trained in the future: What the fuck is this shit?!

    finally, at least ONE aspect of our future lives we actually start taking seriously and plan ahead.

    Global warming -- meeh..

    Future career -- meeh...

    Retirement and pension -- meeh...

    Recycling trash -- meeh...

    Accepting all cookies -- meeh...

    Posting sensitive info in forums -- meeh...

    Posting incorrect info online -- whoah, hold on, the AI is going to train on that -- this is serious, we can't take it lightly!
  • 2
    @netikras Meta: "Let’s train our AI on facebook"
  • 2
    Swamp coolers work great
  • 2
    you can compensate for a weak AC with magic items up to a certain point. Remember that it's easier to gain resistance against each type of damage separately.
  • 2
    I point a fan at my feet
    feet have lots of tiny blood vessels which give them tons of surface area and temperature transfers quicker if there's tons of surface area, and blood is the liquid in liquid cooling

    if it's particularly bad I submerge my hands in cold water for the same reason

    I think your body adjusts to the heat over time though, but it could be because I get seasons. so if my body was specced for cold weather it takes a bit for it to adjust to hot weather without me suffering

    I also live somewhere with humidity higher than the rainforest so putting water or sweating ain't gonna do shit here
  • 4
    Just put on shades, my man.
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