
Hey Boss,
I have updated the salary from $1,500 to $10,000 to better reflect the value I provide — 160 hours per month with unlimited bitching. We are thrilled for the opportunities that lie ahead of us. Follow our journey on Instagram!
— if real life worked how venture capitalists think it works.

  • 2
    It used to be $399. Never wanted to buy it anyway, just wasn't fortunate enough to avoid being put on a mailing list.
  • 1
    it would work, actually

    I did that once

    also, sales people / owners of companies are whiney bitches, and they'll be passive aggressive and throw sand and shit, but you'll get what you want

    we're culturally brainwashed into not being upset about certain things but not others. of course everyone accepts such changes because they're lazy, and so is your boss. I find hypocrisy hilarious. whine whine whine
  • 2
    Reads like one of those scams you see in comments on news media.

    "Learn how I discovered This One Trick 'They' Don't want you to know to make up to $10314 dollars an hour from home."

    And I'm just like, is it working as an organ donor?

    It's working as an organ donor isn't it?
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