
- found myself in need of a speciffic tool
- quick google search didn't yield any usable implementations [at least free]

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    Have mercy for the poor soul that want to stop that train!
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    they're shit anyway

    idioms over time stop being true because they get exploited

    "don't attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence" probably number one killer. if anyone does malice they just pretend they're incompetent as a defense now, repeat. you already wanna believe it, what would that say about you if you think they're malicious?!

    in stocks if you wanna get rich you don't go digging for gold, you sell the shovels
    so add micro transactions and ask people to subscribe to you to get support for the shovel and discourage everyone from building an alternative by selling shovels selling is such difficult work just buy mine!
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    @Lensflare there's no stopping now. Imma change the industry now! It's gonna be a gamechanger! Everyone will be using my brilliant tool and wondering how they managed to do things before it.. CAVEMEN!

    Imma be famous and rich now.

    Now, step away and let the real coding begin! In case you find any tool that does exactly what I need, it's either legacy or too heavy or has messy codebase or uses a lame language or doesn't do enough or does too much. In other words, it's an inferior second-class alternative to my soon-to-be solution that is doomed to be tagged as LEGACY.
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    What's supposed to be your favourite IDE? Bash?
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    @dmonkey since when bash is an IDE...?
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    @netikras js people claim that the browser is an ide, so…
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    daaaaaayyuummm..... it actually works... Docker pulls images AT LEAST 2x faster.

    Still needs some polishing and testing with other dependencies (npm, mvn, gradle, etc.), but I think I'm on the right track.
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    @netikras does your program download more internet? 😂 I always thought the bottleneck of pulling images is the internet speed?
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    @neriald yes, and stores it locally :)

    It's a transparent pull-through cache implemented as a MITM HTTP(s) proxy
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    @netikras just a joke regarding your wizard-ish bash scripts.

    I could've done better
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