
The world is a shitty place, everything depends on your rng, two could be working the same job but one ends up making 10x more because they were born in the right country.

I know what you're going to tell me, quit being a crybaby and acting like a victim, always easier for the fortunate to spew out that bs.

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    The best things in life are free: friends, family, my ranting about the best interpreter ever. What country do you come from?
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    It's true and It sucks. But if you grind hard enough you could emigrate.
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    Yes but we should look on the bright side. It could always be worse!
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    I mean there's creative ways

    also keep in mind everything is x10 as expensive than it needs to be in those x10 countries...

    spent 12$ for a bag of cherries the other day. what the fuck is that

    then I had to throw them out because I couldn't eat them they were so covered in pesticides. fuck's sake

    I really need to watch what country it comes from. if it says USA I can't eat it. Peru and etc is fine though. what's the point of living somewhere with a more expensive currency if your food is literally trying to kill you
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    @retoor Egypt :/
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    @jestdotty USA always been worse in terms of food safety than Europe

    However your argument is not valid, even if things were 10x less expensive here, you make a lot less and your currency loses value, so if ur money sits in the bank in local currency, it keeps getting weaker against the dollar, and because most goods are imported, u end up not able to affrod them anymore.

    Currency = Weak, You = fucked
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    @UberSalt do you own a camel?
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    @UberSalt I mean the x10 pay keeps up with the x10 prices

    inflation is bad in the west as well they just learned to lie about it. CPI is gamed, not only cuz they get to say the economy is strong when it isn't but because social welfare programs are pegged to the CPI so if they lie about it then the government doesn't have to pay people as much

    and then as a bonus everyone needs to make more money and travels up the tax brackets so the government gets to tax them more, so they have less % of what they earn to bring home as a result

    like yeah this is totally fine
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    The average salary in Egypt is 9,200 EGP (Egyptian Pound) per month or 110,000 EGP per annum

    and then if I look up rent it's 90k per month, which means a year's salary for a month living in an apartment 🤔
    and average software developer salary is 92-95k, which is then below the average salary in the country 🤔
    then who's making more money?

    think your problem is everyone in your country is scamming
    maybe get a better culture
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    @jestdotty Where did you get those stats?
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    @UberSalt this is terrible. You’re living in a place with higher expenses but they won’t pay you more bc you weren’t born in the right chunk of land. That’s not fair at all!!
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    @leonaboucher69 take your spam elsewhere!!!
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    It's always rng. Had a discussion with a guy from uni. He believed he deserves what he has. And what he has is smarts. And he will earn good money because of it. He thought it came from hard work. I assume we all have it here. It's a prerequisite for coding.

    But go to an elementary school. They do the first round of filtering. Reading comprehension. There are children, surprisingly many, who cannot read and understand what they are reading at the same time. The can read it out loud, no issue. But they won't know what they read. The can listen and understand what they hear. But they cannot do it both at once. And their chances or successfully finishing school is like survival rates close to atomic bombs. University is out of question. This is not dyslexia. It is just the amount of ideas you can hold in your brain at the same time. Working space issue.

    Bad rng in your genetics. Yep, it is rng. It always is rng.
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    @jestdotty yes, COL is higher where salaries are higher, but at the end you still have way more purchasing power.

    A kg of rice on the world market is a kg of rice, they dont ask you how much you made or what's your country's GDP
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    @UberSalt I believe it''s because of the british.

    My gf loves egypt tho. She's tunisian and she said egyptians were the most social people of the arab sphere :D
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    @jestdotty > "like yeah this is totally fine"

    Problem with that graph and the so-called 'experts' is the assumption our government follows the same economic rules as everyone else.

    Under the current modern-monetary policy, our government 'prints' the money it needs for it's spending. Taxes are only used to pull money out of the economy and never considered a governmental source of income.

    Any/all politician(s) who scream about the national debt is lying and knows how the game is being played.

    How? Just ask them, if we can send *billions* of dollars to Ukraine, why can't we solve <insert domestic problem here they can't solve because we don't tax the 'evil rich' enough>?
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    @mostr4am more purchasing power for imported goods, but local goods have more purchasing power

    that was the case when I was in Ukraine. the local currency was very low, so to buy international things was out of reach. but everything local was so much cheaper compared to in canada. like food and rent which are basically 95% of my expenses
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    @PaperTrail they follow the same rules because that's debt to other countries

    other countries are not offering them more money to go into debt with because they look like a bad government to lend money to now

    I know they print money, that's what makes the price of everything go up, that was what I was saying. high debt = more printing = inflation

    I'm not listening to politicians
    Ukraine is a money laundering scheme, unknown where the money is actually going
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    @TrayKnots I mean I was 145 IQ and everybody told me I'm smart, but I wasnt told and thought it was a nice compliment

    instead I got an underpaying job for which I made millions and they refused to raise me and just kept mistreating me to keep me dependent on them and then I got PTSD from it to the point I can't work anymore

    so when do I get this rng smarts. instead some titwank said get the vaccine it's no big deal, the censorship made it so I didn't know it wasn't a normal vaccine... and I've spent the last 2 years of my life in dementia and now my IQ is 120. Im literally losing my teeth. had tinnitus all year. one of my ears is deaf. my eyesight is falling. sometimes I can't move my left arm or leg. where's my gonna have a good life

    I can't understand what I read now anymore
    I couldn't even remember 3 items I need to get at the store
    I have no working space AT ALL now, and before it was amazing

    how this smart RNG working out for you. where's my money? I only got debt from this.
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    @jestdotty > "they follow the same rules because that's debt to other countries"

    The key component of the modern monetary theory is you have to control the unit of currency (aka, the US dollar). When the debt is you owe yourself, you essentially owe nobody. One dollar or $10 trillion, doesn't matter. Control/balance inflation by removing money (taxes), spend whatever you need on everything else (printing).

    What keeps MMT from becoming fully implemented? Cash and the non regulated cryptos. When, not if, government 'outlaws' all physical+virtual forms of currency and dictates their own digital currency, they will be able to control every dollar you spend...and not spend.

    Spend too much $$ on oreos? You pay extra in a 'Fight Obesity' tax. Buy an electric car, you get $7,500 in tax credits.
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    @PaperTrail I know all that

    idk why you're mentioning controlling USD. they don't control all the money if they only control USD

    granted I hear the IMF exists, but I don't know the details of how that works, and if you think controlling USD you can just monetary theory everyone I don't think you would either
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    @jestdotty > "they don't control all the money if they only control USD"

    Correct, I'm referring to how the different countries trade commodities, especially oil. Value is traded+evaluated in USD, nothing else. For example, if Russia, China, and India convince Saudi Arabia to use anything but USD, we're screwed. Knowing how our government works, there will be another world war before they let that happen.

    "PaperTrail, that is another crackpot conspiracy!"

    Is it? Russia+Ukraine? China+Taiwan? Israel+Iran? How easy would it be for our govt to push them into full scale war (not this pop-a-shot stuff they are doing now), only to step in and save the world...again.
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    @PaperTrail um yeah you're behind a bit

    BRICS happened and they're all trading not in USD now

    and Saudi Arabia deal expired a few days ago and they didn't renew it

    and they're doing all 3 of those wars at the same time (or arming for them and escalating)

    Russia put hypersonic missiles and nuke submarines at Cuba last week and said they'll be doing exercises there all summer
    "ISIS" bombed an opera theatre in Russia and they know it was the USA... then USA and EU l said "yeah Ukraine should use USA weapons on Russian soil!" and Russia said that's a red line so here we are...
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    ... should mention before the Russian submarine nukes were positioned at cuba USA had Ukraine send a missile across damned Russia to hit out a nuclear defense thingy as if that was going to be the path USA wants to send a nuke in by

    so anyway

    the west is fucking crazy

    now they're cracking down on the conspiracy theorist channels harder for some reason, the ones that disseminate information

    a bunch of money just came out of fucking nowhere everywhere. the markets are all bleeding aside from Nvidia as if some crazy retard is making a last ditch bet on AI, all the things known to be "suppressed" got more suppressed so they must've gotten payday from somewhere and it was bigger than ever before by magnitudes

    my senses could be wrong, and I'm new to all this, but it feels like this is the last hurrah somehow to me. but that can't be right. I'm definitely wrong. no way is this the last hurrah
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    @UberSalt just don't get your hopes down. I actually have a friend from Egypt who started working for one of my previous company remotely in 2016 (php, symfony) and gradually built himself toward a chance to move to Europe. Currently he's living in Germany and working for some travel unicorn. So yeah everything is possible if you put in the work and make a good strategy toward your longterm goal.
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