This couldn't be any truer, in our totally flawed education system.

  • 14
    Our? Truer?
    I'm sorry, but I'm quite sure barelly anyone lives where you do.

    Education in central europe is great.
  • 6
    @HelloUglyWorld Well I don't think so bruh. And @Condor disagrees :P
  • 28
    As far as I know, self study is the best!!
  • 2
    @Jop- that book didnt fit in my throat!
  • 6
    That's quite relatable as of India's landscape
  • 3
    So true, all those core classes were such a waste of time and have done nothing for me.
  • 2
    That's how life continues... :/
  • 1
    Do you have better solution?
  • 8
    My "core classes" were a waste of time. Probably wouldn't have been if I didn't already know all the material, but considering the foregoing, perhaps not. 😞

    The classes specifically for my degree were absolutely a waste of time. I learned maybe one or two simple things from each -- things I'd probably have happened across anyway if I was teaching myself something useful and actually learning. The only real takeaways from those classes were horror stories like being forced to stand in lines, getting zeros for art being "too good," and a tenured head of computer science who couldn't code and couldn't speak English.

    College was an expensive and infuriating waste of my time. Highschool even moreso (believe it or not).

    So, screw that.
    I'll be homeschooling. 😞
  • 1
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge couldn’t have said it better!
  • 1
    I dont learn anything at all.

    i already knoweverything. but i dont get good grades. and that bugs me
  • 1
    @Haxk20 for most people and recruiters here, I feel like only papers count. If you apply without a BCS it goes to bin without even reading 🤣
  • 1
    I'm glad that's not the kind of education i underwent. :)

    But still a brilliant depiction (and a valid critique everywhere). Any education system incorporates this to an extent I believe, even if not prevalent.
  • 1
    It's not flawed. It's Victorian. It just doesn't work anymore.
  • 1
    @HelloUglyWorld dude the whole world doesn’t live in central Europe.
  • 3
    I live in Central Europe (Germany) and I can tell you that education in the west is exactly shown in the picture. Some peoples ego just wouldn't realise or accelt this.
  • 0
    On these images we have got the truth about the system of the education in our society that all the kids are mentally harassed for the study. There will be not any kind of the harassment for the kids on the www.bestwritingwebsite.com websites that is a suitable way for the learning and teaching to the every age of the kids.
  • 0
  • 0
    @Creedence Thanks for the advice
  • 0
    It's so sad, but we don't have an alternative way to get diplomas
  • 0
    @JaimyDavid There is a tendency among companies not to require diplomas. Experience is more important today
  • 0
    For me, education is a way to prove to my parents that I can do something. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it at all. For me, everything related to education is difficult, especially preparation for exams and writing. Recently I needed to write a letter of recommendation for an internship, and even with these assignments, I didn't cope. I had to turn to this source for help https://www.lorservice.com/ I hope that for me this will be a finished destination in education.
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