

Fucking fucking fuckety fuck fuckers. Fuck you.

  • 2
    this reads like bullshit
    and like it's trying to specifically make people angry at companies and cause political and economic divisiveness

    the ending is also weak and stupid. first off, right now there's 1/4th as many jobs posts as there was 2 years ago... 1/8th as many as 4 years ago

    second, very few keep a job post up for months. the statistics they came for fake jobs and the posts that stay up for months do not correlate, so don't give me that bullshit that you can tell because the job post was there a long time. that doesn't make sense. if they're posting jobs they will re-post them, because that's how to fish efficiently

    saying you'll get interviewed by the fake job sounds like it's intended to make everyone inappropriately paranoid and angry

    and they are entirely wrong about rep getting around. anytime someone claims that it's been wrong. nobody talks. people talk about people, not companies -- and those who talk about companies can't understand how they work (it's people)
  • 2
    I worked somewhere we're they hired people the day before bankruptcy to pretend it was a normal day. Sick huh
  • 0
    companies absolutely do post jobs they have no intentions of actually filling to prove to government agencies that they're "trying" to hire people, then hire TFWs using government handouts anyway. this ain't nothing new
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