There are too many ads. So many. Everywhere

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    Ever heard of an adblocker
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    @devRancid tell that to YouTube
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    someone sent me a clip to a video with 44k views and I had to reboot the page 15 times to skip the ads. I counted. never seen so many for a video, much less one with 44k views. bruh

    I develop disdain for literally anyone I see advertising. if I wanted your service I'd go looking for you, stop shoving shit at my face

    yellow pages were such a better idea

    ... this is with adblock btw
  • 6
    ublock origin + sponsorblock on PC, revanced on mobile
    Haven't seen an ad in years
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    What @devRancid said, plus PiHole, Privacy Badger, etc.
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    Maybe Ads can be stoppeed in near future if they ffind alternative to it.
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    @MammaNeedHummus Firefox + uBlock = no youtube ads
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    Im starting to use NewPipe more and more.

    Not sure what we gonna do when they inject ads into video streams l though. Gonna have to switch to Odysee fulltime or something.
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    Does Brave work for y'all on youtube?
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    @molaram I use Brave on iphone and ipad. It works. No youtube ads. I wish it was available for my TV.
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    Of course there are, you won't believe the amount of people who are paid to pollute our world with ads.
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    @MammaNeedHummus IDK, the yt adblocker I'm using seems to be still working ok. Not a single ad since, idk, 6 years ago?
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    Internet is filled with adsholes.
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    @Hazarth Yeah they are already a/b testing with this so will not be to long until ad blockers are totally useless
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    @jestdotty you can also use a downloader to dump to disk. Can't have ads.
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    @jestdotty I really doubt they will allow that. I assume that video controls will be ignored on an ad segment :c
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    @Jifuna if it's on frontend, it will be bypassed
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    @electrineer Well that's the point it will not be I think. If I would design this I would not accept requesting any content video parts until all ad video parts are consumed in the time span of the ad.

    Why would they spend a lot of money and effort in building this if it's as easy to bypass as normal ads?
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    @Jifuna their point is just to cause enough noise and hurdle that people sign up for premium
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    @electrineer Well no matter what they do the hurdle for the average person stays the same 'install adblocker'. Unless they implement backend restrictions
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    @jestdotty Fair! But that means you will have to wait the time of how long the ad plays (I assume it will be implemented that way). You might as well turn off your monitor or gaze at the clouds for 20 seconds haha
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    @Jifuna wait til they use your camera to determine eye contact with video content...
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    @Demolishun surprised that hasn't happened yet for mobile ads, since anytime you're on your phone they can literally see your face

    forget ads, the amount of engagement Intel would be insane... AI is crazy good at detecting even micro expressions of emotions. you could profile and segment your "customers" to a super OP degree. it would be the end of humans.

    this is also why I'm heavily against cameras everywhere. if they do emotional analysis there wouldn't be anything you can't hide, ever, at any time, and everyone would be instantly profiled, perfectly... forget modern psychology. emotions are from where everything grows, and they totally missed that, so if they figure it out it would be the end of individuality and we would become ants

    you know exactly how he feels about the people he's talking about. you know his allegiances, can correlate with those people's values and know his
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    @Demolishun that sounds like that ad-supported free TV that you must return if you don't watch ads from
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    @electrineer so Amazon has the free-v or some shit with ads. Firefox+Ublock Origin blocks those ads. I get zero ads on Amazon! The way it should have been by default.
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    There are nice and beautifully designed ads that don't move, don't make a sound, don't insult my intelligence, or show anything ugly or disgusting.

    Those nice ads are either the minority or I don't notice them because they don't annoy me.

    Surfing the web in private mode, logged out of all accounts, without an ad blocker, takes the mask off and shows the internet in all its true ugliness of scams and cheap Chinese crap products.
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    @jestdotty how would ad providers use additional data, like from cameras or body sensors, when they fail to use what they already have?

    Despite all the "intelligence", personalized ads seem worse than a random or context-based choice. Why do they keep showing me

    - ads for the exact product that I already bought?

    - text ads remotely related to a word in my search query that has multiple meanings, like "eleventy" is a JAMstack software, but also an Italian fashion brand, and WC-AJAX can be a physical product to clean my toilet or a web service used by WooCommerce.

    I used to suspect "artificial intelligence" to act dumb on purpose to make it look less threatening, but why should they keep showing unsuccessful advertising if they have to pay for it? Why would they intentionally make Alexa fail to understand my friend's dialect? I guess they would get too many false positives when trying to read people's facial expressions, even if people allowed it.
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