B: you are not even a real developer
Me: ??
B: you are using windows
Me: what the fucking fuck did you just fucking say you little fuck? Ill have you know i have written at least 4 lines of code, commented once and have a stackoverlfow reputation of -7. I have completed every beginner level udemy course on applied brainfuck mathematics and have worked as a distributed data analyst with excel 03. You are nothing to me, every piece of code i write runs on exactly 3 billion devices and i have an unsuccessful facebook meme page. Bitch.

  • 7
    I just 😂
  • 18
    -7 stack overflow, i honestly stopped using it after the moderators changed my question grammars and styles 3 times in the same day and no one answered
  • 2
    @maces Stack Overflow isn't about answering questions, it's all just a giant pissing contest.
  • 1
    A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
  • 1
    F*** F*** F*** F*** F***
    This is what I understood :D
    But B F*** F*** F*** !!!
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