In an alternate universe, Soviet Russia won the Race to the moon, the Cold War wasn't actually "Cold". And Russia took all of America's technology. Changed the programming languages to Russian. You're now forced to code in Russian.

Write about what you'd do, Comrade.

  • 24
    Probably deal with it because alternate me never had the experience to not code in Russian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
  • 24
    In Soviet Russia, program writes YOU!!
  • 4
    Id need to depend on Гугл переводчик more than I like
  • 2
    Иди на хуй, товарищ!
  • 12
    I would rush b
  • 6
    I'd probably start by learning Russian.
  • 2
    @xenira gugl prevodnik lol
  • 3
    Most of our clients are Russian, so not much of a fuss.. But one thing I'd look forward to are Jira tasks. No translations needed anymore, yay!!
  • 1
    Just thought about coding in a RTL language 🤢
  • 2
    Хао абаут но?
  • 2
    I'd probably be happy as fuck. I've always wanted to study aerospace engineering in Russia (and I might actually go for a master's degree there), so I for one would embrace our Red Comrades!
  • 3
    a) it’s a language .. so you can learn it. If I can code in English, you would had to learn to do it in a different language.

    b) 2016 real world example, we inherited a complex monolithic app from a Russian company, PHP Yii framework, some backbone on top, with no documentation and only a few Cyrillic comments on the code, .. I wished I knew more than спасибо ..

    c) no one in Russia uses “comrade” anymore .. please grow a brain 🧠
  • 0
    That's probably in part responsible for laravel steamrolling everything. 😂

  • 6
    I would write my own programming language...
  • 2
    @sladuled do you like icecream?
  • 1
    @ziga yes, how did you know?! xD
  • 0
    @sladuled in my language icecream is sladoled, and that is almost the same :P
  • 2
    @ziga sj v mojmu tut, mal te hecam ;)
  • 1
    @sladuled :O ne morm vrjet haha. Kje se najdemo!
  • 1
    Get some borsch and learn Russian I guess. Oh and get one of those big fluffy hats.
  • 1
  • 0
    @sladuled and your name here is?
  • 2
    @ziga well, I love ice cream, don't I? same as devrant ;)
  • 0
  • 0
    @irene but... They are awesome.
  • 0
    Was wondering how genders would work

    Then I read the code

    "Novyi struktura"

    Yep it wouldn't work
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