Google Gemini API for Rest is horrible. I dont know if anyone else feels this way. If you want to know how API References and related documentation SHOULD NEVER BE written that way, go check that out.

No wonder Google's GeminiAI adoption is so much lower.

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    Here is the main page - https://ai.google.dev/gemini-api/...

    And this page looks more like a Sales page that actually getting into documentation. I dont need the feature walk-through.

    Now you go through the list of sections on the left side panel. Nowhere, you will see the API reference for REST endpoints. As if they only want you to use the SDK for all purposes. I dont need the whole project with SDK for quick API checks for the responses I can expect.

    And then finally you need to do a Duckduckgo search to get to the actual API page here - https://ai.google.dev/api

    And this page is the biggest bullshit in the name of API reference. You go into individual resource reference and there is mention of how the resource url would look like. That is mentioned in the Overview section, which has all endpoints listed.

    What a total fucking mess.
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