
I can’t seem to stick to one programming language for more than a week. One day I’m deep into JavaScript, the next I’m flirting with Ruby. It’s like my brain is on a never-ending syntax rollercoaster! But that’s it now. I’ve set myself a challenge: 100 Days of Python. Just me and Python, every day, for 100 days. I recently posted on SocialCode.club looking for motivation and a buddy to join me on this journey and still looking. Day 1 starting today

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    Meh, junior in every language. Try this in every langage:
    Calculate "2*2+2" (a string). So you have to extract the operators and values and do their thing with it.

    I think you can't do it out of your head a language that you've just learned in a week
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    Also, try C, you won't learn that in a week
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    For python: I'm into writing interpreters. It's fun if you'll do python 100 days, because you can keep extending it. Most fun is to start without any research op front. Eventually, on YouTube is a very nice course how to write one in python. Hour per episode or so
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    @retoor In uni one of my projects was a gui graphing calculator. Full operator support, brackets, sin/cos/tan, parsing string equations, the works. In c++. Flashbacks rn...
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    I was the only one in my class that managed to get function graphs working properly. They were janky as hell, no graphics library just drawing lines on a canvas. Like, I remember one guy was really proud that he managed to get something that would enter a number with buttons, an operator, another number and then gave you the right result.
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    It's also one of those "looking back now, I'd do it so much better..."
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    Been there. it's great. you learn to write similar looking code despite the language and to head straight for the EBNF grammar instead of the docs
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