Corporate treating promotions as a "once-in-a-lifetime" "extravagant" "life-changing" "spectacular" event is exactly why the tech sector ain't leveling up.

  • 7
    I requested a pay change a couple of months back. I was at least hoping to get something to match inflation since I started working at the company. Been complete silence since then. I don't know if that is the answer or what. Kinda pisses me off I don't hear either way. I specifically stated I don't want to market research to determine my pay scale (ie looking for another job).
  • 3
    @Demolishun 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • 2
    Job switch is key to push salary in my case
  • 4
    Want to level up ?
    Cheat, lie, overpromise, apply to all interesting offers and always be prepared to quit for better position.

    That’s tech sector, it always was and it always will be.

    Every year it’s more tiring to watch that shit show.
  • 3
    @vane I didn't mean level up as an employee. I meant the overall industry leveling up. like resulting in good software, good work-life balance, work culture etc...
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy you'd have to fix the trust problem. ain't doing that with the amount of desperate for money people. they'll game every system intended to make trust work between companies and employees, because it'll always be worth the effort
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    I do wish as a general people would stop being so cringe fake

    I was browsing a government job board and the job descriptions on there are from drop down lists or something and they sound way better than anywhere else because they actually tell you things about the job instead of being meaningless marketing drivel
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy We’re going down to hell man.

    You can change people but it won’t change anything.

    Call it karma, destiny, fucking quantum theory, you can’t change people.

    Everyone wants fucking changes, everyone is fucking disappointed.
    You think billionaires are different ? Like they’re not possessed by disappointed mother fucker ghost that want more and more. Living the dream or living in someone’s else dream ?

    They don’t fucking know to this day, that’s why they compare their dicks all the time to find out. We’re just product of billionaires comparing dicks.

    If guys up there say sure why the fuck not push asteroid towards earth and wipe half of planet, let’s see what would happen, you think we have fucking choice ?

    Fucking animal planet.
  • 1
    "asteroid towards earth and wipe half of planet"

    @vane is it a stretch to believe that billionaires think this way? They did just try to force vaccinate the earth. A lot of which said "fuck you" to them.
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    @Demolishun but the precious minerals man, we need diamonds to produce more useless shit. I want to fuck this girl you know and she said she wants diamond as big as her and you know what ? Asteroid build from diamonds will be passing nearby earth next week. I spent billion to bring it here, we tell its science experiment and pay those companies to do it. Blame companies man because that’s not people. The company is evil, you know company. We good guys, companies evil, we didn’t know. They’re experts, we just paid.
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