
There's this tech-wannabe guy who sends me random electronic related questions at the middle of the night. I don't have a gosh darn clue about what's he even up to.
He takes a muzzy photo of his computer screen, not a proper screenshot, and asks for "Will this schematic work if I leave this and that part off of it? Cuz I don't currently have those at my shelf."

Same for sharing a link, take a photo of it.

  • 5
    I've encountered people like this.

    They are engaged, interested, driven and completely useless. They seem to always read the latest articles, follow the tech youtuber scene, spend dozen hours per day on it and are, essentially, utterly of no use.

    Those people fascinate me. They have usually average intelligences. They should be able to do average work. But in the end, they don't manage to do anything.

    When confronted with a small problem. Something tiny, with a default solution, they propose new technology that they have heard of. Often enough technology I have never heard of until that day. It is wildly out of proportion in the given situation. Like they propose to implement a dataware house when a cookie would do. And then, when convinced or ordered, they fail to implemented the cookie.

    I'd classify them a normal idiot, if it wasn't for the drive and enthusiam. They are a conundrum.
  • 4
    My senior was like that... Taking pictures from the screen, then mail it to himself so he can view it on the screen.

    Note: we use windows 10 and we also install Greenshot on all devices. (a few years ago he was doing the installation of the new computers...)
  • 3
    wish I took pictures of some of my paper notes. I was working on a problem and ripped the pages out of my notebook to carry to me to the dinner table to think on, but then I lost them... and it has all my fucking designs on it!

    there was some conflicting two designs, one solved one problem and the other another problem
    I needed both problems solved with one solution
    and it literally took me 20 minutes to catch up and understand the solutions I had come up with
    so redesigning it would take me a fucking long time and I ain't doing it

    and that was like 6 years ago and I'm still angry
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