Guys, which code editor is better for PHP/JS/HTML/CSS? I mean, with more addons, code completion, and so on..
Atom? Sublime? Brackets? VS Code?


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    @robindotnet haha I can't live without a friendly user interface LOL
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    If you're going to be developing with Laravel then I'd really recommend using an IDE like PHPStorm. it really does speed things up.

    Also it has watchers you can use if you're using SASS/SCSS/LESS
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    @MasterSwagMan Nice! I will try to get used to PHPStorm. Don't know why, but I think it needs a lot of configuration at first, to work properly like I need. :) I will consider it.
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    I'm not a web dev, but I was working on a site and I found Aptana decent. It's an open source one. But again, I'm not a web developer, so take that with, like, a tablespoon and a half of salt.
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    @felipebhz configuration ain't that bad if you just use the default settings. However if you want to customize everything then yes.
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    @sheeponmeth haha Cool. I've already tested Aptana. It's a nice IDE, but I think we have better ones available.
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    @MasterSwagMan I will try it again. I just need some code completion, functions, and code snippets, so I don't need to type everything.
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    Definitely Sublime Text.
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    at your best stay away from everything Eclipse based. yeah it is a solid ide, but not for php
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    @enchance @dev-nope Thanks for your considerations. :)
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    I would say sublime or Atom. Sublime is faster but atom has a lot more package.
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    If you are doing alot of code in an OO fashion then PhpStorm is probably your best bet, lots of data manipulation Sublime or something to open and edit files that looks pretty go with Atom. Or do what I do and use all of them.
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    Sublime with appropriate add ons is my choice.
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    I love the intellisense in vs code especially when writing JS. (first comment yay!)
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    i suggest you PHPStorm is the best, at moment!
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    I use brackets and Idea Intellij Ultimate. My company pays for a license so I enjoy :D
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    For me Brackets is a pretty good choice. There is a lot of plugins for Web dev (autocomplete, function listing, highlight matching string, linter, ...).
    But I can assume that the VS Code intellisense is a killer feature for some languages (Inc. JavaScript)
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    webstorm or phpstorm
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