I love mouseless movement, i3, vim etc. But for some reason is so coupled with "start from black screen, learn the entire linux system just to increase the brightness or connect a bluetooth speaker" way of thinking.

Why those two has to go together ? Its like saying that a pianist should know also how to modify his piano and be a carpenter.

How can i find good mouseless tools without having to make my own distro and learning all the API's for adding a new language on the keyboard.

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    xfce + i3.
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    @mostr4am that means logout from i3 to make the easy stuff to xfce and then back to i3 for the mouseless stuff ?
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    Regolith Linux is a distro which derives from Ubuntu and has tiling built-in by default, another option is Pop!OS where you can enable it with a single toggle in notification center.

    If macOS is more your jam there's the free app Amethist which gives better tiling capabilities to macOS GUI.
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    the only user that understood the topic is ... devil.

    You guys above cannot understand that that i can configure my i3wm, but i DONT WANT to do it. You will never reach the level of a ready GUI like gnome regarding utilitities.

    I saw recently omakub, a DHH gnome configuration that looks like what i want. You want to be productive. Even Linus is not on that "install arch" train. I installed 3 times arch, and like Linus, i never saw any advantage to it. And unlike many i3 usearchbtw friends i know, DHH had made a tone of money.

    Dont get me wrong, to ask about i3 means that i have tinkered a lot through dotfiles, vim-stros, arch, endeavouros etc. But being mouseless and blazingly fast is totally different than learning how the brightness and the monitor arrangment and the touchpad -clickOnTouch works under the hood.

    There are times that i just want to write code fast and not build a new GUI.
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    i would never expect to thank devil but regolith seems to nail it!!! Thank you so much
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    @gatoMalicioso nah you can just have the tools from xfce4, and the tray is the same. Honeslty I dont see the difference
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    @gatoMalicioso i never configured i3 at all outside of putting a background image. I just put xfce for the wifi / bluetooth and the admin I'm used to, and I have a fresh i3 for the rest.
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    POP OS guys, POP OS!
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    POP OS guys, POP OS!
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