
OK guys the time has come for my home PC to finally become 100% pure Linux (No dual booting).

But I will need to keep a backup of my windows installation (Just so i don't have to download everything over in case i return to the demon that is windows).

What is a good image capturing program?
Was going to use ghost because of past experience but just want to hear some alternatives!

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    Boot off the Linux USB you will eventually be installing. Easiest way would just be cloning the disk/partition with `dd`. If you're cool with the GUI, then Gnome Disks has a dead-simple "back up partition to image" feature that does the same thing.
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    @daksh yeah I would just keep the iso but Australian internet is shit so it will take days if not more!

    And I really didn't like.mint or Fedora :-/
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    @daksh because I understand 0 of that
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    Already welcome to my world!
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    Clonezilla, you can make usb-boot from http://pendrivelinux.com and make full backup to a image. Check youtube.

    Like the @notdaniel in dd
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    Straight forward: dd

    Click Clack version: try Veeam. Install client, make a full backup. Done. Can be recovered to any disk by using the agent or bootable USB drive (can be created inside the agent) agent exists for window and Linux.
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