
I'm unironically VERY excited. In the last month, TWO real people, both of them into devops according to their profiles, have begun watching avtomat (https://github.com/Liebranca/...), and yes I WILL continue spamming the link if this keeps up. Would you like me to stop? Then give me a dislike and tit-slap the "unsubscribe" button NOW to end my suffering!

  • 3
    Nice stuff but you accidentally made it in perl
  • 1
    @retoor Not a day goes by that I don't regret every poor decision that has led me to writing systems in devil-speak.
  • 1
    @retoor oh dear god why?!
  • 0
    @djsumdog It was bit of an accident, really. I started out listing source folders and emitting makefiles, no big deal doing it with a script.

    But then I started adding features, did away with make entirely. The script got bigger, so I chopped it up into modules. This kept going for a while, honestly it was all a huge mistake. I should've just done everything in C.

    Anyway, I wrote this abomination system to replace an IDE, visual studio to be precise. It does that and more, so it's OK if seen from that angle. I still have to rewrite it though. Someday...
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