
CrowdStrike came down to an untended, uncaught Null pointer that could have been caught with basic code review and testing before push. That is all. https://x.com/Perpetualmaniac/...

  • 7
    time to long rust stock, you say
  • 4
    @jestdotty I fucking love how passive aggressive the author of this thread is to c++ and the conspiracy theorist in the comments thinking it's some global attack is even better haha
  • 4
    Also probably a failure to ask the question "what are we going to do when this fucks up?"

    Too often asking that question is seen as an admission of failure.
  • 0
    They definitely struck their crowd of customers. And their customers´ customers.

    Antivirus is a f*ing scam. As are "automatic security updates".
  • 1
    @Jifuna the conspiracy part doesn't come without reasons. CrowdStrike has had some dubious takes on things that had political ramifications. There is also an expectancy for people in power to tip over the apple cart (crash the financial system) if they don't get their way. None of this is implausible. We already know inflation and runaway spending is on purpose. We are already expecting it to tip over. Why is hit hard to believe that someone with power couldn't upset the system and deliberately cause a crash? The reps in DC have been over spending for a long time and it is getting worse each year.
  • 1
    @Jifuna just wait until someone goes full nutso conspiracy theorist. Like drawing an association of the fire fighter that got shot and died during Trump's assassination attempt to the recent CrowdStrike incident. Because someone in the crowd got struck. I thought that one was particularly out there in another dimension.
  • 0
    @jestdotty yeah, I just saw someone tried to warn about CrowdStrike hours before it hit too. Crazy. I am still on the fence, but people were trading stock supposedly.
  • 0
    @jestdotty no idea, random internet comment. Probably bullshit. I am kind of manic right now.
  • 0
    @mostr4am I had an actual nausea wave reading that. Well done.
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