
I fucking give up, AWS is retarded. It's the worst piece of shit retarded fucking platform ever created and every fucking engineer that touched the code should have their fingers chopped off, shoved down their throats and then be beheaded.

I can't believe that this retarded shit is the "industry standard" for deploying anything ever. Every fucking page feels and uses as if it was fucking outsourced to a different part of india everytime. The fucking pagination behaves differently in every fucking service. Half of the new services just gave up and run on their own fucking thing, because presumably their own platform just couldn't even handle it anymore and fucking CloudFormation is the fucking kingpin of this entire retarded platform. Slapping and unslapping shit together unttil it fucking get's stuck in an unresolvable state because half the fucking services need 58 unrelated permissions to perform a simple delete.

Fuck AWS, Fuck Amazon, Fuck Bezos, Fuck the Cloud and Fuck this whole "Serverless" scam. I really truly wish everyone that had anything to do with making AWS a reality just drop dead on the spot right now so that we can forget that aws ever happened.

  • 7
    I can't believe companies actually pay money for this. Hosting stuff in my fucking closet would be more secure, efficient and cheaper.
  • 3
    I think the barebones fundamental stuff works OK, but other than that yeah...
  • 6
    yeah I can take your rant and replace it with Microsoft Azure :D

    Had a random file corruption happen two weeks ago for no fucking reason (no, we didn't do any deployments and we didn't touch the server) and it brought the entire company website down. Not a critical app, though, but still looks bad when you visit the website and it throws a stupid backend call failure error.

    Never in my life have I had a server file system gone corrupt out of all the VPSes I've owned and operated.

    Cloud partner also doesn't know what happened and can't help.
  • 4
    AWS is indeed a flaming pile of shit. Better than IIS, but only marginally because of Linux being easier. Cloud computing is balls though. Biggest regret of mine at my last job was not slapping the shit out of the junior dev, but the second biggest was suggesting we move to AWS. Never again.

    Your opening line though, fucking hell dude, I'm crying from lauging so hard.
  • 4
    it's not industry standard

    they tell everyone it is because it's good for their brand

    and once you've captured the market and nobody knows any alternative way of doing things because you've flooded all of human knowledge with your garbage and pushed out the old perfectly working ways then there's no point in having a good service because you've destroyed valuable knowledge, it's forgotten, there's no way back, and they can sit king of monopoly

    fucking universities hiring "AWS professors"

    stop allowing large companies that don't give a shit about you to leverage your whole business. it ain't gonna end well. it goes to extortion real fucking fast. what are you gonna do, leave? abused house-wife without financial independence situation.
  • 3
    Use TF and never touch the console again
  • 2
    @lungdart what is TF? I'd love to have a third option other than on-premises or cloud.
  • 4
    @nosoup4u i'd say he means Terraform. You can use it to manage your infrastructure without touching the abortion known as the AWS Console
  • 1
    @unsignedint LOL thank you, I will look into it. Might come in handy if I ever make another terrible decision to use AWS
  • 3
    Terraform is a lifesaver indeed. Managing cloud infra otherwise is very tedious.
  • 0
    @unsignedint "abortion known as AWS"

    well put. But how else will they sell their new business model of aws cloud certificates?

    just think, it is even worse then you can imagine: the psychopaths who run amazon aws, microsoft azure (etc), figured out how to get YOU to pay for THEIR marketing.

    If devs are marketed (propagandized) into believing it leads to jobs, then they'll get the certs, and when they go to company xyz, aws and azure et al, is what they'll suggest for new infra.
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