random thought:
Life= tension. But you are only winning it if you don't let these tensions divert you from "what you gotta do"

Life will always find a way to give you some kind of problem. if you are not tensed about something, you ain't living a life.

But we often start ignoring our favourite habits/ aspirations/ goals in order to tackle these problems .

For eg I had made a habit of meditating for 15 mins followed by 45 mins of workout b/w 7-8pm last year. but since January 12th there hasn't been a day when i could achieve this habit simply because life kept throwing random tensions at me.

1. first my hand got fractured and i had to leave gym for a month. "no worries", i thought. "meditation doesn't require a working hand and i could do start walking as an excercise from next month"

2. then my office got wfo 3/5 days. i will get back to home after 7.30 and on wfh days my work won't finish till 8 on home days. "no worries" , i thought
"i will shift it to 9-10 every night next month"

3. then next month office got wfo 4/5 days annd family started steps for buying a new home. all time affter pfffice went into those steps/discussions "no worries ", i thought. "it wiill be over by the next month and i will be free"

this next month hasn't fome yet :/

  • 2
    it's called eustress: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    words keep being redefined to toxify the culture

    that wiki page sucks a bit now

    think the Greeks wrote about it tho

    ... like literally autocorrect changed it to distress when I was writing it. everybody thinks stress is bad. it isn't. it's only bad if it's involuntary
  • 3
    Just what jestdotty said!

    Essentially as a human you're supposed to be under some stress all the time. We evolved to be productive in this whole "life" environment. In the past you never knew if you'd gonna have food, water, if you'd have to migrate half the continent or if you gonna get attacked by a different tribe or some animal at any point. We adapt to these situations and a good level of stress is required to keep you functioning flexibly.

    Too much stress is bad, but too little stress is also kinda bad as it makes you unprepared for what's to come next. This really is a part of life for any living creature out there, us humans just now have "modern" problems, but it's the same concept.

    It's not new science, we knew this for centuries, but the knowledge is getting lost in the new world oversaturated with useless information and sensitivity
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    In that sense, life's like the film Truman Show: something or someone will always seem to try to stop or distract us from our goals, and the harder we try, the more absurd the excuses will become. The biggest challenge is not to trick ourselves, also known as procrastination.

    But most of these are first-world problems. We don't need to go to an office if we don't have a job. We don't need to worry about buying or decorating a home if we can't afford one etc. Still these problems are real problems.

    Buddhism has a lot of wisdom and strategies. It doesn't matter that much if or how long we actually meditate, but it makes a difference to experience it all to start getting a different view on our minds and our delusions.
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