
y'all the optometrist just fat fingered the parameters for my 500€ custom order glasses for my uniquely fucked up eyes

I ask specifically the seasoned webdevs here, what's the most effective typo prevention system you've ever seen, where a measurable decrease in mistakes indicates the effectiveness of the system?

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    I had a health professional office fat finger $2000 instead of $20 copay once. I was like: It went through? Anyway, they fixed it pretty quick.

    I have a chart that shows time spent coding and like 70% is preventing users from entering errors.
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    @Demolishun > "I had a health professional office fat finger $2000 instead of $20"

    I'm almost surprised they caught and fixed it.

    A healthcare group I belong to figured out they could 'double-dip' for wellness checks. They would get reimbursed for the first visit, then submit $xx until the insurance company approved the amount (sometimes just $15, other times over $50)

    My wife called the healthcare office and, TL;DR, essentially told "You're not being charged, what do you care?"

    That pissed off my wife. She contacted the insurance company and they basically responded "It's such a low dollar amount, we don't care. Call us when the bill is over $100,000"

    Her parents are in the same group, so she looked at their EOBs and the group was doing the same tricks.

    The whole medial billing industry is such corrupt mess.
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    Just stay poor. When you know you can’t afford another pair of glasses, you’ll be very careful with specifying parameters of this one
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