  • 11
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    Too late for combo breaker 😐😐 damn
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    But... What is it?
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    @eggory Lots of parts! They all work together. Have a non-profit that knows html. There's a html page which will be emailed when signing up for events with PayPal.

    First, there is the email prep part which gets the file contents and then the regex parts which make the plain text version of the email get only part of the file and retain the links. Stripping the tags strips the links too so I prepped the plain text email to have the links added. Also the inline styles and classes are removed to make it work better with all email clients.
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    The next part is the mailer which uses phpmailer class and sends the email. Had it working unauthenticated at first using PHP sendmail but realised it would be more likely to be marked as spam if sent without authentication so sent using SMTP for that and got that part working.

    Had some time spent trying to get Outlook to show CSS properly when using emogrifier to inline the CSS but Outlook wasn't having any of that so I just took off the styling and now Outlook behaves.

    So if they need to change the automated email that gets sent when someone registers now they can just edit the HTML file.
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