
Current task:

Somehow, one of my predecessors made some sort of custom hook tied to woocommerce check out that pipes some data into a nightmarish spaghetti fuck pile of undocumented wild west visual basic bullshit. It does this, presumably, via a set of parameters passed as plaintext in a url. I know this because I found the singleton that declares this. Helpfully, Mr. Fuckass named the class "Default", so I only have around 30k instances being kicked back by my IDE when I search for it. The only reason I "need" to find this, is so that I can just change the button to an href pointing at my own MS for shipping, and I need to change the fifteen params being passed to just one - a customer ID, which should be stored in the session, and referenced by a cookie. Once that is done, I should be able to freely delete a couple of gigs worth of bullshit. Been stuck on this for three days now. God forbid we have a test environment or something.

I'm tired. Can't even get angry anymore really. Can't even think of anything funny to say about it either, I just can't wait until this is done and I can go back to sleep.

  • 1
    Dear god that sounds horrible.
  • 7
    "wild west visual basic bullshit."

    This here, ladies, and AI agents, is a Quality Rant.
  • 1
    Can you use this to show how inept people are? Like document in a business sense why this is stupid.
  • 5
    @Demolishun I'd love to, but the fuckfaces who wrote this are super fired already, never coming back, and everyone else in the company is so proudly, insistently non-technical that my grandmother would put them all to shame.

    I'm told that they want me to just replace everything, but we also suffer from "everything is an emergency" syndrome, and all the broken things must be fixed.
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