When you have something in your clipboard but then press Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+V and end up with a blank line.

  • 1
    Paste history maybe...
  • 12
    Just install a clipboard manager
  • 13
    @brukernavn32 yes. I use them for each OS...

    Linux: Glipper/parcellite
    OSX: ClipMenu
    Windows: CLCL

    What do others use, curious?
  • 3
    Me always!
  • 2
    @FractalSystems I'd like to know as well. So far I've not been using any clipboard manager, what are any good recommendations?

    Right now I'm using Notepad++ as my clipboard buffer... Yes, primitive, I know, but it works.
  • 4
    @kileak for Windows, I've never loved any I've tried. But I tend to use CLCL but I've also tried ditto, I think it was called.
  • 1
    @FractalSystems @kileak I use clipman on linux, xfce default
  • 4
    I have been using Ditto on Windows for some time now, works fine.
  • 2
    Downloading ditto and clcl now.

    Will thank later. 😜
  • 1
    I'll try the recommended software as well. Thing is, I did used to use Ditto but always forgot that it was installed, so I never used it anyway. 🤔
  • 1
    Ditto is 34M and CLCL is 150k. Long live Japanese minimalism! 😃
  • 1
    Clcl is so tiny and fast. Loving it.
    Thanks guys. 💯
  • 1
    @kileak use ditto , its pretty good
  • 1
    Woo halfway to +300! Please keep this going so I can get a stress ball. 😞
  • 2
    I use ditto on Windows and Diodon o Linux. Seriously, i can't code without a clipboard manager.
  • 2
    Or when in Sublime Text, you use Ctrl+C, instinctively correct the mistaken action by tapping Ctrl+V and find that you've just pasted the same line your cursor was on...
  • 0
    Entered this rant to write that about Idea! Love it!
  • 1
    I can give plus for ditto as well, on mac I'm using copy click but that one doesn't have that small menu like ditto for shortcut so I'm still looking for good one for mac...
  • 1
    @MatyasK for OSX ClipMenu is great! I use the beta.
  • 2
    Ditto +1

    Spent the last few days with it. I fear the loss of my clipboard NO MORE!

    Also, I can delete the copies of passwords I make so bonus!
  • 0
    And that's why Clipdiary is a life saver :')
  • 0
    @FractalSystems @MatyasK copyclip based on electron is the best one , if I wouldn't have found that I would made one . That one is yummy
  • 0
    I happen to use Ditto as well. Found it on some website for portable apps (not portableapps.com) and never felt the need to try any other clipboard manager.
  • 0
    I'll also put in a plug for http://ngwin.com/1clipboard - I use their PicPick program which is GREAT but this one looks decent too (I haven't used it).
  • 0
    Happens to me way too often
  • 0
    I'm choking 😂👍 yeah!!!
  • 0
    TWO MORE! You can do what I have not!
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