
So we were out celebrating the 18th Birthday of a friend and the conversation drifted to mobile phones and some people were seriously asking why someone who can afford it doesn't choose an iPhone and why her brother chose the Google Pixel over the iPhone because apparently iPhones seem to be the best phones for these IT people

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    @IllSlapU mindless maybe not, I have dabbled with all three mobile os’s Android, iOS and windows and I’m an IT manager, if I gave my user base the choice they would almost all choose an iPhone because they just work, a couple would choose android and none would choose windows.
    I like apples eco system and yes it’s a protective bubble but my kids can’t mess up my phone unless they drop it.
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    I feel that Apple has became a status simbol (or a pilder for ex o-game player ;) ).
    I don't have the money to try it, but it seems that is becoming a toy... (My own external impression)
    Is there a lot of app in the store?
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    @irene a good example my wife has an s6 which btw gets no more updates, it keeps connecting to certain free WiFi networks but there is no way to forget. Our HP envy printer regularly doesn’t print stuff sent from the android phone because it keeps forgetting the printer.
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