why do americans eat so much fucking food?

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    If you go to one side of Le Man France everyone is skinny and fit. If you travel to the "other" side of Le Man everyone is fat. Yet they never show "the fat side of Le Man" on the brochures. Weird.

    This fattening up of a population is directly related to the injection of corn syrup into the diet. Cheap foods are loaded with it.
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    @Demolishun The food isn't at fault. Its the people buying it and not doing sports.
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    @joewilliams007 umm, no. You can create an opiate type response in the brain with the right combo of sugar, salt, and fat. You can also design foods that don't make you satisfied hunger wise. You never get the "full" feeling. These are both things being done to crap you can buy at the stores. Generally this is "junk food". You can get addicted to shitty food. I agree on the sports side, but there is also a predatory food manufacturing side to this equation.
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    a huge hole in their souls, i guess
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    it's on sale

    the grocery store is 90% junk food or food that's told to be "healthy" but it's large GMO things that don't taste like anything but sugar water and also are covered in pesticides and Roundup which causes their metabolic diseases to be worse

    my roommate just ordered groceries and is surprised they gave him a 23$ item free. for me I can't even hit enough sales to cover the delivery charge because actually nutritious food never goes on sale. only the stuff that gonna kill you does

    the kellog's CEO recently said cereal sales are up and they're thinking this trend will continue. why? people can't afford other food. so let's buy sugar and glyphosate-mired flour (because it lasts longer)
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    @joewilliams007 misinformation. it's very profitable to think that way, so that's what they push so they can sell you more drugs

    medical and healthcare professionals are taught to think this of people, and it is their cultural belief now. while the heart association is saying animal fats are bad and so is the sun. which are both things that would prevent heart issues, not cause them

    same with the COVID era. going outside would've given you vitamin d, the vast majority of people who died were vitamin d deficient because vitamin d is necessary to down regulate an immune system and COVID kills you by activating your immune system so much your body kills itself. not to mention it doesn't spread in open air and only in confined spaces, and the sun is a natural disinfectant because UV rays so strong they cause cancer in mammals, what do they think it does to some random dead proteins?!
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    @jestdotty i'm not rich, yet i dont eat that much shit that makes fat. Honestly kellog or fast food is even expensive these days. I cant even afford it.
    The people are at fault. Stop blaming the companies for selling what people crave for (but not need).
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    @Demolishun Yea well you also dont have to smoke everyday. Doesnt mean it has to be illegal.

    If it's parents, feeding junk their kids from beginning on, they are just shitty parents.
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    Damn, I should have asked what is "fucking food"? Would this be chocolate, wine, and whipped cream?
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    Dogshit diet with simple carbs, sugar, and highly processed foods. They can be very addictive due to their convenience.

    And because they hate regulations and government, companies have free reign to continue feeding them cancer and diabetes.

    I lived there for a few years and I was amazed by how terrible most food is.
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    @joewilliams007 Should it be legal to put rat poison into food if it tasted nice? I mean, it's your fault if you get poisoned, shouldn't have eaten that. Ooh, and what about lead? We should cancel the regulations that prohibit over X percentage of lead in food. It would be nice if companies also had the freedom to tell you how harmless or even healthy lead actually is.
    And it's your fault if you're buying into that, right?
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    @joewilliams007 pretty sure you're in Europe. you have totally different grocery stores. when Americans visit Europe they're surprised the fruits have taste, and there's many stories of them rapidly losing weight despite eating much more than they would've in USA, then they come back and ask "what the hell is in our food?"

    the food supply is just fucked in North America
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    @SoldierOfCode one should research what goes into it food. If one cant face his addictions he is weak. You shouldnt have to dissallow everything just because the people are too stupid. Junk food a few times a years doesnt really have a big impact. It has one for the daily/weekly users who also dont do sports. It comes down to education and parenting.
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    @jestdotty well they should do some research when they notice they are gaining too much weight.
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    theres noone stopping you from eating oatflakes instead of kellogs in the morning
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    Well they also eat a lot of ass but you don't care about that right?
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    @mostr4am they have really good pizza.
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    cheaper than therapy
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    Why does everyone here likes to blame the companies. You can be american, eat good and do lots of sport. Dont have to find excuses to live Texas style
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    @joewilliams007 sheltered ass take right there
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    I find it amusing that people outside think the USA is some monolithic culture. Their entire perception of what the USA "is" is based upon snippets on tv or articles by msm. It is like "asians" that complain "white" people that don''t understand their diverse cultures and differing ethnic backgrounds. You can't make this shit up.
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