
A catastrophe is the thing that turns biology into physics.

  • 2
    All biology is just abstracted chemistry.
    All chemistry is just abstracted physics.
    All physics is just abstracted math.
  • 1
    @localpost All math is abstracted philosophy. All philosophy stems from misunderstanding of the natural language.
  • 0
    But what is natural language? I don't mean the definition, is any existing language natural at all?
  • 1
    @devJs any existing natural language that fits the definition can be considered natural
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    All math is just thought up by human brains, so biology, closing the circle.
  • 0
    Depends no?
  • 1
    Some would call shotputting Tibbles the cat off of a cliff - onto a group of tourists below - a disgusting human behavior and a brutal cat-astrophe. Some would say it is a remarkable exhibition of how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. 🤷‍♂️
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