
if you're having funner you're winning, son 😏

browsed through somewhere people were confessing things about their life. the community there is about something else so it's an interesting peek to who is there and how they are as people outside that area. man some depressing shit, or plain vile shit, evil shit

people have hope for the best for themselves and it doesn't work so they go crazy sometimes

some in there thought if they stayed there and toughed it out and were "successful" they would feel better. they didn't. I see that so much in the comments. people thinking if only they were successful they would feel better, but their problems have nothing to do with their level of success. it's strange humans do this

somehow every time I see depression I get happy

life will roll you, but are you having fun, son?
the more pain you see, the more you understand
so let's make talking about pain illegal

earlier I found out the first time my roommate realized if you pushed your body you eventually can't feel how tough it is to move it was when he was in his mid 20s on a college field trip... really wtf?
I walked a few miles to a far away grocery store to buy potatoes and hauled a couple bags home today. last time I did this I felt great after, which is what spurred the earlier conversation cuz I was telling him I was gonna go do it again.
well when I got back... he was doing dishes and literally crying... and he doesn't do dishes... because it's too physically tough for him to do his own dishes... so I guess knowing I was gonna do this walk with several kgs of potatoes he decided to try it out...
I told him the difference is maybe cuz since ever I could remember, my mom had taken me on errands with her like pre me being 3 years old, and we'd walk like 6-8 hours so I had learned real quick if you just power through physically you eventually feel nothing and can do it all day long

how could a dude not know that until he's in his 20s lol

so much of life is just like this though. it's funny. nothing real is spoken, nobody does anything, nothing ever happens. there's even war tourism people complaining current wars are too boring

but are you having fun, son?

  • 0
    I'm curious as to how many kg of potatoes?
  • 1
    I can’t imagine doing dishes being physically demanding, does he have health issues bc if not he’s gotta be severely outta shape. In fact if doing dishes is physically demanding I bet he does have health issues unless he’s like 80.
  • 0
    @jestdotty blood n snot on the walls? Did you befriend a fucking ogre creature?? lol does he shit in a bucket and leave a pile of beercans near the sofa? Guys a Fucking disgusting cow
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    Fucking hell, he’s gonna die if he keeps this shit up. Either in a car accident or heart attack
  • 1
    @jestdotty Your cave troll is effectively carrying about 30 of those bags around with him all the time.
  • 0
    I'm really sorry for being judgmental but how can "doing dishes" be too tough for someone????
    Literally 12 years can wash dishes with ease. Like sure, they'll complain to their parents, but that's because it's a chore, not because it's "tough"... It's dishes
  • 0
    @jestdotty Oh my god 380lbs and in the process of becoming an alcoholic.

    Life's too hard for him? He can aford to be 380lbs and not ever wash dishes. Does not sound like a tough life. Tough life teaches you a thing or two.
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