I feel like I'm getting lost in social media these days. I know I should be aware of this happening, but lately I start scrolling on my phone and don't realize 20-30 mins fly by me.

Weird, that it's happening to me now.

  • 2
    @jestdotty just shut up, will you? Not every situation needs your "expertise". Get your own head working fine, then observe others.
  • 6
    it's called "doomscrolling", and it's what commercial social media is optimised for.

    their goal is not to provide you a good experience, but to glue you to your device as long as possible, so they can collect as much data and show as much adverts as possible.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy shut up and meditate dear
  • 1
    For me, it's been the tradwife/hyper-conservative fasco-Christian side of Instagram where they're bragging about having to ask permission from their husbands to go to Costco and it's really hard to pull myself away from the cringe but I'm pretty sure like 75% of it is ragebait at this point
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