
It's not stupid if it works...

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    The story behind this:

    There was some electrical work being done in my flat and they seemed to think I don't need my telephone connection anymore... Because they just cut the cable and removed the box.

    Is it their job to fix it? Sure.
    Do I want to wait for them? Hell no!

    Now I could put a TAE (or RJ45) box to wire it properly, but then I need to spend money on the parts and tools and wait for it to arrive. So I just made a Frankenstein connection directly from the telephone cable to the modem by sacrificing an old patch cable:
    a to 4, b to 5, boom — 270000/42000 kbps sync.
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    Closeup after cleaning up the extra wires
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    You running DSL?
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    > It's not stupid if it works...
    This is so wrong. Just because something works, doesn’ mean it’s not stupid.
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    @Demolishun Yes, SVDSL / 35b
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    @Lensflare Alright, it doesn't apply to every scenario ;)

    Though here, while it might look stupid, I probably have a cleaner connection than with the 40 yo TAE box.
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    Those little clippy things are the dog's.
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