
This is too surreal

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    That's bullshit. I am supposed to believe that this CEO wouldn't have slept with this guy's wife if he hadn't received push back?
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    @TrayKnots Yep, and that is how most shit is going on today in the world. Blaming others...
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    Lmao the only problem in this case was only his wife..
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    @TrayKnots > "I am supposed to believe ..."

    You've never been around those alpha-male, type-A personality types that end up being CEOs/mgrs.

    Granted, it wasn't a strong marriage to begin with if his wife was so easily 'seduced', but I can believe he was targeted for retaliation for not towing the company line.
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    @PaperTrail > "I can believe he was targeted for retaliation for not towing the company line"

    <names have been changed> Example, it was called 'pulling a Frank Garvin'.

    Part 1:

    Frank was a contact center supervisor who questioned, on multiple occasions, his boss's unethical behavior. TL;DR, think sexual stuff, scheduling folks for 39 hours just to keep them from being 'full-time' and avoiding overtime (too much detail to get into here).

    Frank tried to get the message 'up the chain', but 'Adam' was very good at manipulation (he was a typical type-A, alpha-male type) and no one could argue his performance numbers.

    Adam couldn't fire Frank without justification, so he started scheduling for example, Fridays until close (11:00PM) and opening at 8:00AM on Saturday/Sunday (essentially ruining his weekends).

    -> continue to Part 2
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    Part 2:

    When Frank wouldn't quit, Adam started cutting staff numbers only when Frank was scheduled (forcing Frank to take calls, handle CS issues, etc).

    When Frank still wouldn't quit, Adam started removing system permissions (approving clock adjustments, time off requests, etc), requiring Frank to delay those requests to the next supervisor and/or the employees asking our accountants for the approval(s). TL;DR, our accountants manage all that data when sups aren't around/available and didn't know that Frank couldn't do that job.

    Why is coming up next in part 3.
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    Part 3:

    As common sense would tell anyone, call numbers go up, then costs go up, then complaints go up, the 'powers that be' step in and started demanding answers, which Adam was ready for.

    Adam told them Frank was his best supervisor and didn't know why the high numbers only occurred on Frank's watch. The cost cutting measures were justified and no other supervisor was having these troubles. Adam told them he had done everything he could to reduce Frank's workload (ex. pushing clock adjustments/time off requests to others) and allow Frank to focus on his job. Adam being a master manipulator, no one bothered to check the details of the spreadsheet #s.

    When the VP put Frank on a correction plan (get your numbers down in 30 days or be fired), Frank quit.

    To this day when someone feels like they are being targeted (given crap hours, crap job assignments, etc), they say "Oh no, I'm being 'Frank Garvin-ed'"
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    I keep seeing this reposted and I just don't get it

    yeah I agree. if your wife is gonna cheat on you that's on her. wow someone wants to sleep with your wife. did you marry a troll? a dude meets a chick he will 30% of the time try to sleep with her, they generally back down if you reject them. being married does nothing to this, actually some dudes prefer married women. the wife consented. maybe he should've focused less on writing retarded shit on LinkedIn that doesn't even make sense and more on "getting" his wife

    "my wife left me but here is my advice on how to deal with people, let people walk all over you" geez wonder why the wife left him with an attitude like that
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    spotting the snakes and thinking it happened as "direct retaliation" (when it's not a direct activity so you can't assume that) are both potentially paranoid delusions

    if the wife was wrongfully seduced, did he drop her instead of try to make it work (because that's a little weird and also in direct conflict with his simpy advice), or was she rightfully seduced and is happy with the new man and is who served the divorce papers to him and not the other way around?

    this guy just literally stinks

    maybe it feels surreal because it's a made up cope by a dude who thinks the best advice is to let others walk all over you, and then turns out people will disappoint you because you didn't set any boundaries and you'll be a cauldron of passive aggression that will drive you crazy... and distrusting people where you'll be thinking they're snakes when they do what any people would do and you can't cope with even the most basic things
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