
Fucking YouTube adverts on chromecast. Every time 55 seconds required to watch and THEN it starts another 55 optional seconds. I'm happy to have a remote so you can skip easy but they know you're sitting comfortable in front of your TV so they keep pushing ads. It's unethical. Torture, before I didn't mind so much, before the 55 seconds shit what was pretty rare before

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    Chromecasts have been totally unusable for years. I will never buy a Google product again.
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    @electrineer why you think so? This one and previous worked perfect. Can't imagine better. What issues did you have? Current one has a remote that also turns your pc on and off / controls volume. Every time I continue exactly where I left. I only use one remote now
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    @retoor mine only plays YouTube ads smoothly. It has been updated to the point where it plays actual videos only at potato quality and crazy stutter.
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    @electrineer ah, I don't have that. Quality is good. I think I had a two and this one is three. I didn't have the USB-stick shaped one. I had a round black one before. This one is white
  • 4
    Of course it‘s unethical. They collect our data to determine how much ads we can endure before it becomes too much and they operate on that maximum level.

    If it’s too much for you already, it’s because there is someone else for who it could still be more before it’s too much.

    So it averages out.

    Or they are just testing our limits.
    And with that, the average limit goes up with time.
  • 1
    @Lensflare I'm sire I'm getting tested by them. This is crazy. I'm doing dishes, tv plays on background, then comes first ad block and then second ffs. I can't click remote bevause hands we. I'm forcefed with that shit
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    @retoor I just have a real computer connected to my TV now. I use it with a wireless keyboard that has a touchpad included. That's so much better.
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    @electrineer nah, no. Don't agree. Had that before too. I prefer dedicated device
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    @retoor Google is probably running AI on your live video stream to determine when you are not able to use the remote, to show ads in that moment.
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    why not mirror phone screen to it with phone using youtube revanced.
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    @joewilliams007 it will probably be pretty compressed and with a delay. It's wireless only, right?
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    @retoor it can still be dedicated
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    Just take an old laptop and connect it to your TV.

    Then share your mouse through SSH and connect to it with your laptop
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    @electrineer its super smooth to mirror phone. And not compressed at all.

    Also, when watching videos a millisecond of delay doesnt matter

    You can select gaming mode, where its faster, but also lower quality compared with video mode
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    @mostr4am uhm. Old laptop, will make youtube.com laggy and slow. May not even support 4k. And you will always need to boot that old loud machine.
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    @joewilliams007 my mirroring to chromecast is catshit slow. From pc at least. But I won't do that since it's uncomfortable
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    I wanted a Chromecast cuz the idea sounded great. why waste a computer to play videos, you know?

    well my friend bought me one for my birthday. literally most disappointing thing ever. the thing cost 50$ at the time iirc, but it lagged horribly if it was streaming -- and no adblock!

    I even bought a whole new fancy router for 200$ to try to fix that it was lagging -- they said my network was too slow!
    and that barely did anything to the damned lag / did nothing probably. liars and thieves.

    so anyway I threw it out

    evidently I would've also had to flash my router to block ads on the house-level too

    Chromecast cost me more money than the price tag with me trying to get it to work as advertised, and then on top of it also brought inconvenience into my house with propaganda videos I do not want to watch. literally like inviting the devil for dinner. just no thanks. worst product I've ever bought. I literally feel physical pain remembering my shame for having wanted it
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    @retoor usually from phone its super fast if its same network. And Samsung at least, lets you mirror an app, minimize it, and do everything you want on your phone as normal while still streaming.

    Maybe its because of your weird hotspot setup. Or chromecasts are just bad.
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    @jestdotty Good rant! YEah, i don't use streaming. Pure youtube and a file server
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    @joewilliams007 Yeah, could be. Btw, very happy with this hotspot. Stable as F and it was free! Just an old phone. I'm surpised that network devices can find eachother. With new phones it's prolly not possible anymore because they disable hotspot if it's not used. Would be terrible for me.

    So, no streaming for me :)
  • 2
    when you buy the chromecast, you consent to google putting their fist in your A.

    but out of curiosity: do you also blame the red-glowing stove-top when you touch it?
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    @tosensei that's not a comparison at all
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    @retoor well, you bought a device from a company with the core business of "showing you ads and selling your data", and you complained that the device was showing you ads.

    it did exactly what it was obviously supposed to do.
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    @tosensei yes, as I said - the advertisements worked very well.

    Thing is, that it's just the ultimate device for me. I'm now trying YouTube music. If that's OK, i can cancel Spotify. So, I could subtract the costs of Spotify from my YouTube premium expenses and that would mean I only pay three euro extra or so per month in comparison to my old situation. For that price i can use my favorite device, have no adds on any device and the services I want. That for the price less than a daily dinner. Can imagine worse
  • 2
    @retoor I don’t know much about ChromeCast but if it supports running any app, then I’d recommend NewPipe which is not available on the PlayStore but on F-Droid which is for FOSS apps. I can’t even remember the last time I had to open actual YouTube or the last time I saw a YouTube ad.
    You can also download the audio/video albeit not at the best quality.
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    @dimsumexception it's an android but mentions about many apps that they're not compatible with Chromecast while I'm sure it's possible. It's just Android with a custom launcher. The Chromecast does have a remote control that works with those apps very well. Including a microphone by pressing a button that you can use to search videos. Sadly, it doesn't get spelling of words. It's impossible to search for 'tsoding' for example. It just doesn't get it, and it doesn't get the spelling. So often, you still need the / laptop. That's so far only downside. It was the first time I considered voice commands to have advantage. There is no other use case where I prefer to use voice. If it could do spelling, i wouldn't use phone or laptop anymore to control it. Most things are searchable
  • 1
    @dimsumexception I see what you mean.

    Although after a few sodiums, I managed to get tsoding out of Google Voice search by spelling each letter in it. If CC is using the same engine (it probably is) it might work for you but it’s not the solution.

    (I mean it actually shows the programming channel tsoding in the results instead of showing results for “t s o d i n g”.)
  • 1
    @dimsumexception Omg, I tried many times but no success. Maybe your pronouncing is better. I have quite a dialect in my native language what also reflects in my English. Or maybe I have to change my speed. The CC voice thingy is the same as voice assistant on your android phone if you didn't enable Gemini. Not really AI. I can tell my remote to make an appointment in my calendar tho and to lookup some info. But you never know if it's gonna search for the answer to your question on web or gonna search for video's. Weird. Obviously, when it's a question, i just want some answer from the web
  • 3
    @retoor I tried it on desktop Google after reluctantly enabling microphone permission to Firefox which is now disabled. Yeah go slow. I’m sure one or two of my colleagues saw my face sticking into my laptop shouting “tea” into it.
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    @dimsumexception Sparing my breath now. Gonna try
  • 2
    @dimsumexception TS O D E N g seems to be asian food.

    TSI o t i n g gives VW TSI engine results.

    TS o t i n g can be everything. Can't see consistency between results.

    TS o t i n g again.

    TSO d i n g does have one tsoding video, 7th result or so. Out of screen. Had to scroll.

    Ok, yes, spelling is in someway possible with some effort. I was shouting at the thing like I was in the army
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    @retoor 🎉 Now it’s simple. You just have to repeat this every time you want to get there.
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    @dimsumexception I tortered myself recently repeating stuff with creating a vim practice app that learns you 60 shortcuts. Every time you miss one, that shortcut comes back later if you answered wrong. All questions were randomized and some questions were dynamic with random values. Like copy <x> lines. But application ends when you did all 60. I did vim for years but now I'm a vim ninja. I just wanted to do it. I do prefer vscode tough, I like the way they implemented the terminals. Also, vim has the talent always to delete or capitalize smth when I make a mistake. When I type it goes like an AK47 (rakketakketak) - no idea what shortcuts causing it. It's not in my training app. Going to last char of a word is, yh, very useful
  • 1
    @retoor We don’t have mechanical keyboards for nothing. Ten keyboard clicks is way better than one point and click. Obviously, duh. I’m no emacs ninja but I make do with vim. I didn’t know for a long time that hitting a number before any command just repeats the command. So I think the important thing at this point and the key takeaway is that you give me this app.
  • 1
    @dimsumexception Here's the app: https://pastebin.com/yyadvzky . It's quite simple, but it was written in a hour oid excluding investigating the shortcuts. Keyboard details will come later
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    @dimsumexception also cause the damage of an AK47. Ironically, it's a x270 laptop famous for its keyboard. I'm not the only one having this issue. But I have three x270's, this is the only one losing keys. If no laptop, I prefer k120.

    Since image upload is broken: https://ibb.co/MhWw5WK
  • 1
    Oh dear. Let’s see if my T470 survives. I’m sure my NuPhy will though. Also, thank you!
  • 1
    @dimsumexception Ooeeh, the T470 is a real look-a-like. But as i said - my othe 270x's survived they keyboard part. They were both dead after overheating, still after a day without power. I decided for both, they're dead. Almost a year (and for other like a half) later, I decided to throw them away but just ONE more try. And yes, but booted. It seems that I even should've waited more than a day without power to declare them dead. So, I do have keyboards left. This keyboard has vague stickers as you can see on screenshot. It hides being German. It's shy
  • 1
    @retoor Haha. Let me take this opportunity. The T470 is my baby it’s got two batteries too. One internal, one external. I recently bumped up the external one to 72WHr so it lasts forever using Debian LXDE. It’s also got an additional M.2 slot. So I added in an SSD in addition to my HDD (could’ve also added another module like a cellular card because this baby has a SIM slot too). It’s got all the ports you could possibly need including an SD card reader. I think this is the last good laptop made my mankind.

    Also you did salvage the parts right?
    Why did you get so many 270s? 😂
  • 1
    @dimsumexception because I thought the former were broken but x270 is my baby! And yes, I did have the ultimate high end xps15's and stuff for work. But the way how I handle hardware, a multi thousand euro machine doesn't suit me and is therefor not really comfortable.

    I do not use LXDE, I did, Lubuntu! But I preferred XFCE above LXDE because LXDE didn't had the search bar IIRC. LXDE did look a bit better i guess. My x270 is blazing fast. I5, 8Gb. 20 Chrome tabs open, Telegram, three times vscode. No sweat at all.

    I love the complete design. The thickness and everything is just PERFECT. The time travel of keys too, a real keyboard. No sad tipping stuff. It also has m2 and sd-card slot. Hey fuck, I notice now, no USB3, i think my other has it. RJ45 port (never used).

    Literally the only thing: the monitor. I can almost count the pixels and it's not very bright. It's the part that really makes the laptop feel older. I'm not even a display fetishist
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    @retoor Well same about display mine is only a 720p (barely). I don’t care much for high end displays. But 20 chrome tabs! Now that is impressive! Those are real numbers, right there. I can also see the love.

    I did consider XFCE but in Uni my Sony VAIO hard drive was damaged so for almost a year, I used my laptop booting out of a USB with Lubuntu because it was extremely lightweight still with a GUI and easy to setup. Yep you heard me right. Did all my work out of a USB. Wake up, boot from USB, do work, save work to persistent partition of USB, turn off. And I fell in love with it. So just stuck with LXDE since.

    Anyway, it’s a shame there aren’t ThinkPads these days which are like that.
  • 1
    @dimsumexception Amazing! I worked for a while on an SD-card! Sony VAIO were kinda elite around 2005 right? Did you know dem thinkpad design is based on a japanese lunchbox called the bento box? Yeah, they don't look alike at all. But that's dem story. I did think hardware reached a certain top, since when is hardware of ten years old this usable? I recently wrote very heavy single core benchmarks executing regexes many time (own written regex parser) and around five people with varying hardware ran it, the difference was not a lot. I literally can't run Android Studio anymore though. I'm not sure about this one, but by my former x270's audio from HDMI didn't work. Could be a driver thingy. I work pure on laptop, no second monitor. Also cool that even being this old, it has the backglowing led keys. Accu still lasts a few hours on all three while all of them being corporate property before. I thought only Mac had such quality battery. I've wasted so many HP's because of accu. Insane
  • 1
    @retoor SD card… Okay you win this round. (Unless it’s a RPi.) Yes VAIOs were incredible. Actually Sony makes nice things. It’s just that they make so few of them. Actually applies to a lot of things from Japan. (I did buy myself a ton of goodies on my recent trip. I hoped to find some rare Sony things but I didn’t have the time to find those shops unfortunately. And believe me… there are stores you will get lost in.)

    Did not know about the Bento inspired design. I mean I get Bento boxes all the time from my local Wasabi so that’s about the extent of my knowledge.
  • 1
    @retoor My brief experience with Android Studio was… unpleasant, to put it mildly. I was once naive but curious and wanted to try Android Studio to see what it was like.
    I… installed it.
    Took a while to open. And my laptop was already showing subtle signs and I should’ve paid attention.
    Opened an empty project: basic blank app.
    And I clicked build.
    And that’s the story of how my T470 froze for the first time ever.

    Sorry please educate me... what is Accu? Battery?
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    @dimsumexception I would like to see Japan. They're kinda further than we here in the west with certain stuff right?. Also, do they watch porn in train? Someone told me such stuff.

    Where do you come from yourself?
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    @dimsumexception I'm only on matrix. Search for drcc on this site and you'll see some post from vintprox with url to the chat. You can login with browser or download the element client. I'm there kinda 24/7. Mostly spamming about benchmarks. Few c devs there also
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