
just saw the car irl today. its beautiful. its worth going broke for

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    I thought it was a CLA?
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    @donkulator no I'll buy a diff one
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    @molaram whores just want a red car dude. Mercedes and BMW are for poor people. Ya hochu Brabus!
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    @retoor Why do you want a Brabus in Russian?
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    @donkulator excuse me, i want it in Dutch. Ik wil Brabus! Meh, probably lose my license in November anyway
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    @mostr4am the real rich live on the country side, far away from the city losers. You won't believe what houses there are in the woods here. I imagine what all those people do for a living.

    Living in a village is so much better than a city. The dream is: Living in the village, work in cycling distance (~5 km) from home.

    Working in cycling distance is way better than working from home. I like office. I moved a few times so I could cycle. Even as a car fan -> cycling beats car!
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    @retoor damn, I should review my standards...

    I live less than 5km from work, but doing that road on a bike everyday, no way...

    We don't have a shower at work or any facility for changing cloths. 80% of the year, it is raining, car drivers always try to hit the most cyclists each morning.

    This year there was a fatal accident on the same road with a truck that didn't respected a priority road... Result : dead cyclist.
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    @Grumm haha, I was ashamed by the 5km example because it isn't that much. 6km goes with car ;)

    I only worked once at a place having a shower. It's not that common I guess. Why would you need to change clothes during office hours? I always wear two - three days the same.

    Here we have good infrastructure of bicycles and if a car hits a cyclist - he's almost always in the wrong lawfully. So cars care about cyclist. Bicycles getting hit here is very rare. Amazing since how many cyclists there are in NL.

    Anyway, did the accident result in a free bike for you?
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    @retoor My problem is that I cannot cycle relaxed. My only bike is a MTB. So I have sportswear when I arrive at work. So need to change to normal cloths :)

    And no, when a 20ton truck drives over a bike, it ends up in a funny shape...
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    @Grumm ah, mountainbike. I thought motorbike for a second 😂 I have a friend from UA claiming to got hit by car around ten times or so. If you hit someone here and just continue to drive, you have 24h or so to report to police or be very fucked when they find out
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    @retoor In Belgium too. Yes, mountainbike. After work I usually go for a ride of 1-2 hours.
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    @Grumm wow, you must have amazing stamina
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