
I hope the best way to explore data is terminal apps


guess I'll find out tomorrow... zzz
I have such data problems tho

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    Hmm, well.. If you want to select much text, with mouse you can let it scroll very fast. With a terminal app you have to wait as long it takes for the cursor to move.

    Terminal apps are isolated and don't support decent copy/paste with stuff from other apps. Sure, you can paste smth in it, but how to get smth out if it's out of screen? You can't select and copy it.

    I don' think it's a good way to explore data in many cases at all
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    Terminal elitists: But but… terminal is superior!!!
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    @Lensflare I also like to be the super hacker that uses only vim because it looks cool with key combo's. But it's an isolated app and the slow cursor while selecting makes me crazy.

    BTW: i made an app in Python to train vim shortcuts. It has 60 and I know them all now. I'm a Ninja now. The most dangerous kind. I can switch pane sequence like moving to the end of an word and replace that char without even the 'i'. After that i delete it with x anyway because that's who I am.

    Still prefer VSCode
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    @jestdotty awesome. Due this conversation i got the idea to upgrade they key repeat amount. So i could quicker navigate with arrows using vim selecting smth. For a second, i had my key repeat on fastest and it was so fast that every key got pressed twice or trice. I would've had to reboot PC in terminal mode to fix it wherever that is. But i could fix it with the mouse thank god. Did not think about that issue. Now i know why vim has shortcuts to move to certain positions. You can type comfortably and quickly move. Upgrading key input is at a certain moment no option anymore
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