!dev rant, but dev company rant (if that makes sense)

I love my company's HR, she is such a wonderful and caring woman.

'Breng' (a public transit company in the Netherlands) was on strike today, so I couldn't go to work. No problem I thought, I'll just work from home. So I send a screenshot to the HR where you could see that every train was canceled.

A few moments later I get a message back saying that I should wait for the next train (although you could see on the screenshot that said train was also canceled)

Now I finally have a train to go to work... After sitting an hour in the cold... And I already see the smile on her face when I arrive at work...

Please trains keep driving so I can go home tonight...

  • 5
    35 euro's for a fucking taxi to work. My bike broke at work yesterday so I took the bus home. No signs in the bus about the strike so I could've prepared, asked for a day of. That one day I need public transport they fuck me over like this.
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    Hmm tbh if you didnt know about this it is kinda your own fault. Its been told so many times on the news the last week.

    But your HR person should know that as well and give you some slack..
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    @Codex404 I don't really watch the news, except a short 7 minute news show every morning. It was in the news, but only this morning. Is it weird to expect a poster/notice on the bus and or busstops? To add the public transport app (9292) did not notify me yesterday while I was using it.
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    @stevenliemberg thats weird since it hang both in the hague and amsterdam where everything did drive because they have a different CAO there.
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    @Codex404 up in the north we get the worst of both worlds so it seems (no busses or notices on busses/busstops).
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    You guys vet notified about strikes and you complain?
    You sons of bitches.
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    @Alice hyper text markup language does not require indentation
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    @stevenliemberg @Codex404 I don't follow the mainstream news so had no idea myself.

    My foldable bike saved my ass big time!
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    @linuxxx good on you for saving the day with your foldable bike :D

    I still don't get why they didn't put up posters or a notice on the monitor thingies. Anyhow launched a complaint that I want reimbursement for the cab fair, curious how quickly that will land in their bin.
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    @stevenliemberg dude it has been on the news for 2 days and even on nu.nl
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    @inpothet Sooo I don't follow either. They do have big fucking announcement screens on all freaking stations.
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    @linuxxx which it was on in Amsterdam and The Hague, even though there were no issues there. Its also been over the intercom a few times.
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    @Codex404 It's been non existant where I live and thats quite a big city :/
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