
I remember this one time when I tried to prank my friend's laptop and it went horribly wrong

So at first when I got a hold of his laptop I changed his background to Batman and every icon to batman and all the names of his icons on the desktop to "NA", "NANANA", so on so forth

I thought he'd get the joke. But little did I know that the next time I'd meet him he told me that he reformated his laptop because of a virus that made his whole laptop go batman 😱😱.

After that I never told him about the prank I made. I feel so ashamed hahaha

  • 20
    We once changed all the Firefox shortcuts on a colleagues PC to pointing a batch script that shut his PC down. Took him a while to figure that one that out.
  • 5
    @Chew55 mine never figured it out sadly HAHAHA
  • 2
    @Chew55 jajajjaja poor man
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