
The project lead I have likes to go cowboy and run off and do a bunch of stuff on his own. He makes cards, assigns them to me, and then goes and does it himself negating my work.

He's engineering all our graphql queries to be totally different from literally everything else that exists in the codebase (every mutation is idempotent). The frontend guy brought it up and agreeded with me.

In our alignment meeting, the project lead tried to say these weren't bugs; that we can just handle the state on the frontend. I said they were definitely bugs that should be fixed on the backend.

Guy then says "You approved all my code reviews," implying I approved of the way we were doing things and they weren't bugs.

I told him, "I'm not trying to assign blame," and also, "Yes, I missed those bugs in code review."

I am fucking sick of this guy.

  • 1
    "You approved all my code reviews"

    yes and I should've known better. that's on me for letting your code thru the gates. never again
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