
Who is one is less stressful?

1) Possessing so much materialistic shit including money.

2) Having nothing at all.

  • 2
    lotta second generation wealth kids do #1 perfectly fine without any stress

    they end up eating it all up though and then the next generations end up fighting over scraps
  • 2
    Dunno. I've learned over the years that if I bring home a 100k bonus then my wife will make plans that mean if I don't get at least 110k the following year then we're screwed.

    It's called "optimism", apparently, and it's meant to make you feel all positive about life.
  • 1
    the hedonic setpoint must really be screwing with people's sense of reality if this is really a question. Most people who struggled financially a long time ago can tell you that although not being able to afford things and being kinda sad about it is a constant, it is way more stressful when your budget is closer to the natural fluctuation of necessary expenses, when there's nowhere to scale down in case of a plausible disaster.
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