Well, in about an hour I'm going to be married. I don't know how I feel about that yet...

  • 5
  • 3
    Congratulations man!
  • 6
    (I'm married)
  • 4
    Grats! 👌
  • 4
    Congratulations :-)
  • 3
    I'm reading your rant 4h later. You fucked up bro.
  • 1
    Congrats and best wishes!
  • 1
    Congrats! Hope you got some awesome wedding presents!
  • 1
    Thanks for the well wishes (almost) everyone!

    The wedding went well and we're still not used to it, but I'm sure it'll take a while
  • 2
    @RiderExMachina Really, I'm happy for you. If I could go back I'd stay single, but there is some merit to getting laid once a week...

    You're in for one hell of a ride. Congrats!
  • 2
    Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Did you cry? Did your partner cry? Are you happy? I'm going to cry... 🎉🍻🍾
  • 0
    Congratulations, you just about to secure your genes! Mother nature doesn't give a shit load about how you feel! She is in the drivers sit now! Its time to breed! Go fork yourselves ... Lol!
  • 1
    I guess that's one way to put it.

    I had the feeling you were joking. In hindsight I should have put a wink-emoji. But yeah, we'll see how everything works out.

    No. No. Yes. Okay! She almost cried when we exchanged vows, but she was able to hold it together. I know a lot of my relatives cried, and I presume many of hers did as well. I remained rather stoic, though I had a stupid grin on my face for most, if not all, of the time.
  • 5
    They say marriage is a lot like machine learning: Everybody is hyped about it, but it's usually just a bunch of if-else's 😂
  • 2
    You may experience slower speeds once the ball and chain goes on.
  • 0
    [F9], quick!
  • 1
    @RiderExMachina I am so happy for you!
  • 1
    I got divorced to live a happy life.
    Am I doing this wrong? 🤔

  • 1
    Yeah, took me 9 years @hube
  • 0
    @stiaanvm lol
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