

found an old config file on my external drive for all my torrent files. awyisss. my SSD died out of nowhere last year and I thought I lost all my torrent configs! I had hundreds of TV series and stuff and I kept track which ones I watched and didn't in the client. so when the SSD died I lost all my knowledge of my progress. but I found this config file just now and imported it. omg booyah. I think I got one show since this backup. godsend

decided to export settings again and it said I can set it on a schedule. go to the scheduler tab in the settings and I have no clue what's going on. nothing about exporting settings, it just has schedule configurations that seem to conflict. then I realized. the main client maybe has a schedule tab icon. bam am right. so in settings I turn on scheduler and then the main app gives me access to the scheduler tab and if I go there I can click "add" and then I can schedule regular config backups

bruh this UI is so jank. but it actually is impressive. because. while I have experience in designing websites, when I played around with making a GUI in rust, which would be native, I have absolutely no clue how to make an app on this tech. now I'm looking at this complex torrent client with its bazillion features in absolute awe.

*takes notes*
I can only aspire to be so genius as to allow you to turn on and remove tabs in the settings menu. now it makes sense why all the windows always had awkwardly sized panels. this genius man.

however did he come up with that?! ALL THESE NEW STANDARDS

honestly somehow it never occurred to me that native apps and web apps would have totally different ergonomics. I feel like I've found some kind of lost art from the ancient world. aaaaaaa

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