
@bosslogic maybe you need a captcha on your contact form :3

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    @bosslogic I was playing with your AI again today. I'm quite impressed by that thing. Also the buttons that it shows to your project is very nice integrated. It doesn't resolve sudoku puzzles tho. It only wants to talk about software development. Where can I file an issue?

    @bosslogic I'm doing the quiz with your AI. But what the fuck is this for question: "What is the more common name for the superfood Vaccinium oxycoccos?" :P I thought it only wanted to talk about IT, like it says, and now it does this
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    @retoor yea too bad smart people have no heart. He could use his brain for good but he choose to side with the empire
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    @mostr4am I want to make a Retoor AI. It only talks about coding, submarines and aircraft carriers and drugs. Will always deny knowing what is Javascript or Rust. Fuck, I could speak days to it. Would be nice for some people to have some rest :P
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    @bosslogic ostream took your website down.

    It says:

    This site can’t be reached

    bosslogicsoftware.com refused to connect.
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    @bosslogic put your ass back up, weichei it was just for the lulz
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    @retoor its not me I only spammed the mailbox
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    @retoor thanks! :) I've taken it down temporarily since mostr4am did indeed overload my contact form, most certainly saving many innocents in the Middle East.

    Yep, part of the system role message (OpenAI) veers the conversation away from other stuff.
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    @bosslogic well if you have more impactful ideas I'm all hear but the imperialists are deaf to people's suffering.

    Beside put a captcha on your contact form dumbass. It takes 10 minutes.
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    @bosslogic how much time did you spend in total on that chat system? Training / implementing? How much text did you give it?

    @mostr4am he did not expect that fellow devs are such bastards that he would've needed a captcha
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    @retoor trivia game is just database lookup and fuzzy match. Real time trivia machine made from OpenAI didn't seem possible at the time.

    Perhaps limiting the questions to software would give continuity to the site. * shrug *
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    @retoor fr i dont understand how he got no spam already.

    When I pushed my contact form it took 10 minutes to get detected by bots and spammed the shit out of it. I quickly learned
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    @mostr4am he didn't host a gay porn site
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    @retoor why would bot watch porn, they have no sexuality
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    @retoor it's a system prompt sent to the Open AI API, not a training. The prompt is about 15 lines of text long and gets sent each time you talk to it, along with the last 10 messages back & forth to give it a history of the conversation so far.

    Costs almost nothing for a low traffic site. You can play with prompts here:

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    @bosslogic Wauw! Thanks a lot
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    @mostr4am the retoor bot will have. A lot!
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    @bosslogic literally directly after adding first user input: "You've reached your usage limit. See your usage dashboard and billing settings for more details. If you have further questions, please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.". How is it a playground?

    Edit: It says that my bill expired somewhere 23. I think I get the message because i'm out of API requests. I did more than 1000 to generate a site
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    @retoor yikes that sucks. maybe it’s different now 🤷‍♂️. i’ll take a look later today
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    @bosslogic maybe you can put your website back up idiot i feel bad now
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    @mostr4am it's alright. I'm just being lazy and it's not the worst thing in the world to check out some form security stuff. No harm done.
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    @retoor ok this is sounding familiar. Maybe you really do have to sign up and put a little change in there (like, seriously $10 has lasted me almost a year for GPT4o). I remember now that it gave me that message, and that it was annoying \ undocumented.
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    @bosslogic I wanted to do that, but it asked for a credit card. I don't have such thing. Dutchies have different payment methods
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    @mostr4am it's back up. I'm using npm express-rate-limit on the backend. There are probably ways around this.
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