
Today I'm going fast!

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    I run faster on mobile 😂
    Depending on where I am, inside or outside / city center or a bit out I get between 20 and 300 Mbps
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    @Kimmax in this area even cellular data used to be faster... Now everything is so slow
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    GOOGLE.IT I 've been laughing at this way too hard.
    When someone asks a stupid question I'll just send them "google.it" as an answer
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    @DjSall god 😂😂😂😂
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    @DjSall did that comment get lost somehow?
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    That speed 😍
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    Yes, my Internet is that slow 😖
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    I pay for 100/100 but I get 10/20
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    I pay for 60/6 for Wi-Fi and there is what I get. Not to mention downtime.

    My mobile data is pretty nice considering the coverage in my area and the fact the test was taken inside. The best I got on mobile data was 60/45.
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