You work your ass off up the corporate ladder, except no one cares. You're overqualified and you have a large skillset, a high determination and work ethic, yet again no one cares. You have years of experience and on various projects, for various companies.

Your colleague doesn't lift a finger half the day, takes naps, barely has the basics down and gets promoted to systems architect immediately.

What, the, f.

I'm sure this is a familiar situation.

  • 8
    > You work your ass off up the corporate ladder

    there's your first mistake
  • 2
    „You work your ass off“ - Here is your problem 😉
  • 2
    Lots of factors here. Don't underestimate the power of simply being liked. Or, being visible.

    Or, maybe even transferring to a department or company that's better at identifying accomplishments.

    Frustrating, for sure.
  • 3
    @bosslogic being liked and being visible! 100%

    What i do is called by some people 'flexing'. I always talk about what I've done / am doing. That makes me noticed and show people that I work hard. Never issues with salary raises and stuff.

    At my previous employer, people had to go. A nice one, but very silent, always doing good job and you never hear him because you never hear issues got fired the first. He was invisible. That's an issue.

    They guy who became an architect prolly is quite relaxed indeed, someone who looks like to have control on the situation. The guy getting stressed looks like having skill issues to some people
  • 0
    I mean I got called perfect by the hardest boss to please in the company and was still paid under half the salary of my title alone, and when I asked for a raise around review time suddenly I was contacting management too much (it was once in a year... around review time)
  • 0
    Improve soft skills and play the game
  • 0
    @CaptainRant tell me when you're at the dispondant stage: https://open.spotify.com/track/...
  • 0
    doing so much without achieveing same result as the colleague sounds like you've picked an inefficient approach for the goal or exp'd on wrong skill tree
  • 0
    @tosensei I'm not doing so but I do like a higher pay that comes with it.
  • 0
    @bosslogic Yes, I noticed that over the years that being liked has phenomenal power. Not fair or reasonable at all indeed.
  • 2
    @retoor That is indeed true. Whenever someone asks me anything, I stress out. The guy is relaxing even though in his mind he's stressed. The thing is.. he comes to talk about it to me in private. Hilarious.
  • 0
    @jestdotty What the f. Sounds like they make excuses.
  • 0
    @qwwerty I'm simply not visible.
  • 1
    @CaptainRant aww, that's kinda sweet actually. He's your BFF now
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